$200K Saturday Qualifier my last hand....

VladK1 raises (2992) to 2992
VladK1 is all-In.
spawn910: i figured that or flush
spawn910 folds.
arf55 folds.
Royal43 calls (992)
Creating Main Pot with $6984 with VladK1
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, Ks, 5c ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 7d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: 6984 |
Board: [ 8c Ks 5c Qc 7d ]
Da__One balance 17998, didn't bet (folded)
VladK1 balance 0, lost 2992 [ Kh Ac ] [ a pair of kings -- Ac,Kh,Ks,Qc,8c ]
spawn910 balance 29919, didn't bet (folded)
arf55 balance 8670, lost 1000 (folded)
Royal43 balance 12252, bet 2992, collected 6984, net +3992 [ 2c Tc ] [ a flush, queen high -- Qc,Tc,8c,5c,2c ]

This is frustrating. Make it so far and then finished 19th.(out of 260 something and 8 away from a seat). And on Sunday I finished 36th (20 away from a seat). Same thing on Sunday though, I got beat on the Flush.

I don’t know, from one side I’m happy I got that far but at the same time its hurting being so close and not getting there.


  • It's tough but the guy only had to call such a small amount 992 with 2000 already invested in the blinds.

    i think you would have called there also, plus they were soooooooted.

    still tough break
  • Yeah, these qualifiers are hard. First time I tried I qualified for the 200K Sat for PP. But I must say, there was a lot of stalling. I think every person from my table stalled, while the other table played regularly because the blinds were huge and for some reason, final 2 tables was the only time it wasn't hand for hand lol.
  • A K looses to 2 clubs 10 clubs sickening.

    Who plays 2 / 10 ? Fluke ?
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