Gametime+ scores again! Thanks!

Ok so I was able to find this absolute maniac on Party by leaving Gametime+ and PT on the 25NL tables. Needless to say I managed to get a seat to his left!! Yipppee!!

His VP$IP was 67, aggression, PFR was 45, W$SD 28%!!

Funny thing, on his most losing hands (after several hundred)...they are all Doyle's 'favorite' :wink: hands: Q8o, K9o, K8s, QTo, J9o, AQo, T5s. Basically every problem trash hand there is!!

I played my average loose preflop game since it was 6 handed, and looked to trap, flop sets etc. Just waiting for this nutso to raise. Funny thing is...he just kept reloading over and over!!! Keep in mind I set these hands up by constantly folding little tiny pots to him....get him in stealing mood. He will call a reraise of 7x his raise...saw it over and over. So I tried it!! (I have hidden his name)

***** Hand History for Game xxx *****
$25 NL Hold'em - Monday, March 14, 21:19:34 EDT 2005
Table Table 37110 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: %%%%% ( $38.76 )
Seat 8: abodhisattva ( $25 )
Seat 5: Phippo44 ( $59.1 )
Seat 10: Zerim ( $48.2 )
Seat 1: Syracuse8 ( $9.1 )
Seat 6: Peet_O ( $25 )
Phippo44 posts small blind [$0.1].
Peet_O posts big blind [$0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Phippo44 [ Qd Qs ]
abodhisattva folds.
Zerim folds.
Syracuse8 folds.
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
%%%%% raises [$2].
Phippo44 raises [$14.9].
Peet_O folds.
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
%%%%% calls [$13].
** Dealing Flop ** [ As, 7c, Td ]
Phippo44 is all-In.
%%%%% is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ]
** Dealing River ** [ Th ]
Phippo44 shows [ Qd, Qs ] two pairs, queens and tens.
%%%%% doesn't show [ Kc, 9d ] a pair of tens.
Phippo44 wins $20.34 from side pot #1 with two pairs, queens and tens.
Phippo44 wins $75.77 from the main pot with two pairs, queens and tens.

Once again...I say back and waited for hands before I mixed it up with him. How could he not figure out what I was doing?? (This one actually happened first)

***** Hand History for Game xxx*****
$25 NL Hold'em - Monday, March 14, 21:01:31 EDT 2005
Table Table 37110 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: %%%%% ( $43.15 )
Seat 8: abodhisattva ( $24.5 )
Seat 5: Phippo44 ( $33.45 )
Seat 10: Zerim ( $23 )
Seat 1: Syracuse8 ( $13.8 )
Seat 6: doc_cc ( $23.15 )
%%%%% posts small blind [$0.1].
Phippo44 posts big blind [$0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Phippo44 [ Kc Ks ]
doc_cc folds.
abodhisattva folds.
Zerim folds.
Syracuse8 calls [$0.25].
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
%%%%% raises [$2.9].
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
Phippo44 raises [$14.75].
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
Syracuse8 folds.
%%%%% calls [$12].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5c, 8s, Ts ]
%%%%% is all-In.
Phippo44 is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
%%%%% shows [ 8h, Kh ] a pair of eights.
Phippo44 shows [ Kc, Ks ] a pair of kings.
%%%%% wins $9.7 from side pot #1 with a pair of eights.
Phippo44 wins $65.15 from the main pot with a pair of kings.
doc_cc has left the table.

Okay this is the first time I did it (I know its all in backwards order). I still cant get over he never caught on.

***** Hand History for Game xxx *****
$25 NL Hold'em - Monday, March 14, 20:48:22 EDT 2005
Table Table 37110 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: %%%%% ( $53.85 )
Seat 8: abodhisattva ( $31.2 )
Seat 5: Phippo44 ( $18.9 )
Seat 10: Zerim ( $20.7 )
Seat 1: Syracuse8 ( $9.35 )
Seat 6: doc_cc ( $25 )
Zerim posts small blind [$0.1].
Syracuse8 posts big blind [$0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Phippo44 [ 9d 9s ]
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
%%%%% raises [$2].
Phippo44 is all-In.
abodhisattva folds.
Zerim folds.
Syracuse8 folds.
%%%%% calls [$16.9].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 8c, As ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6d ]
>You have options at Table 37434 (6 max) Table!.
%%%%% shows [ Qc, Ts ] a pair of eights.
Phippo44 shows [ 9d, 9s ] two pairs, nines and eights.
Phippo44 wins $36.25 from the main pot with two pairs, nines and e


  • I still cant get over he never caught on.

    <ahem> THREE possible reasons:
    1) He's a gambler at heart
    2) he's a higher stakes player and blowing off a few $25 buyins with bad play is thereputic to him
    (and the most likely) 3) He's a terrible terrible player.
    (I have hidden his name)

    Doesn't matter much when you disclose the hand history number.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    Doesn't matter much when you disclose the hand history number.

    LOL!!! Just another fish in the barrel anyway at $25 NL. :D
  • My buddy list is filling up
  • I didn't know AQo was a "trash" hand... Hmm, maybe that's a big leak in my game :) Nice wins...just be prepared to get sucked out every now and then when he has those same hands (and note you aren't a big favorite with a hand like 99)...
  • AQo (not necessarily 6 handed, in a full game though) is probably one of the most money losing (long run) hands to push hard with. I think Hellmuth said it was his least favourite hand and has cost him the most $.

    Im a favorite with 99 when I see him push all in 3 or 5 times in an hour with underpairs (saw him do it with 44 twice and 33 twice), and he also did it a couple times with A rag offsuit (A3 and A5).

    Its definitely a high variance play, but once he got tilted, his standards dropped even further.

    You are right in that with 99, the most likely case is that I was a 55-45 favourite, against overcards. However, he was literally doing this to the table every other hand. I truly dont know if I hadnt have tilted him with the nines if he would have kept pushing this way all night, as his maniacness (!) just increased after that.
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