Hassan hates me.

He's a Stars regular, SNG specialist mostly. We have chopped many a SNG, and we had a mutual respect for each other. Until, I guess, this hand, and the conversation that follows it. Was my play really that bad, or is he just a whiner? Or, both?

$210 + 15 Turbo SNG

PokerStars Game #1357944069: Tournament #6106710, Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2005/03/14 - 22:22:36 (ET)
Table '6106710 1' Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: aggie69 (3126 in chips)
Seat 2: VanTassle (1745 in chips)
Seat 5: Biggie Shawn (2410 in chips)
Seat 6: Hassan (1185 in chips)
Seat 7: Hold_emNL (1294 in chips)
Seat 9: all aces (3740 in chips)
Hold_emNL: posts small blind 75
all aces: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to all aces [As 8h]
aggie69: folds
VanTassle: folds
Biggie Shawn: folds
Hassan: raises 900 to 1050
Hold_emNL: folds
all aces: raises 900 to 1950
Mr.Wrong [observer] said, "heads up now"
Hassan said, "not good"
Hassan said, "gl wrong"
Hassan: calls 135 and is all-in
all aces said, "i think i have the best hand"
Hassan said, "you suck"
*** FLOP *** [7h 2s Ad]
all aces said, "lol"
Hassan said, "really bad"
*** TURN *** [7h 2s Ad] [Kd]
all aces said, "rofl"
*** RIVER *** [7h 2s Ad Kd] [2d]
all aces said, "gg"
starsforlife [observer] said, " :("
*** SHOW DOWN ***
all aces: shows [As 8h] (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
Hassan: shows [9d Qs] (a pair of Deuces)
VanTassle said, "gg"
all aces collected 2445 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2445 | Rake 0
Board [7h 2s Ad Kd 2d]
Seat 1: aggie69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: VanTassle folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Biggie Shawn folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Hassan (button) showed [9d Qs] and lost with a pair of Deuces
Seat 7: Hold_emNL (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: all aces (big blind) showed [As 8h] and won (2445) with two pair, Aces and Deuces

Hold_emNL said, "gg"
Hassan [observer] said, "just a horrible, horrible play"
all aces said, "nah, i'm at 2.5K if i lose"
Hassan [observer] said, "but you laid down AK huh?"
all aces said, "and i know u r stealing... u need to!"
all aces said, "yes, laid it down second hand"
Hassan [observer] said, "and you were still a coin flip"
Hassan [observer] said, "terrible"
Hassan [observer] said, "but welcomed"
all aces said, "TOTALLY different situation but i don't need to explain this to you"
Hassan [observer] said, "really a laughable play sir"
all aces said, "you'll cool off and realize it was good"
all aces said, "because i was right"
all aces said, "and i only lose 1K if I'm wrong lol"
all aces said, "check hh in an hour"
Hassan [observer] said, "I'm already over it.... and still think it was a horrible play"
all aces said, "okk let it go then dude"
all aces said, "gg"
Hassan [observer] said, "ewwwww"
Hassan [observer] said, "yuck"
Hassan [observer] said, "I need a shower"
all aces said, "H I had respect for you lol.... guess you're just another whiny *****"
all aces said, "observer chat off gg gl"
Hassan [observer] said, "making an observation.... and I also had respect for ya"

And so ends another perfectly good competitive online friendship, because of that hand. Sigh. FWIW, I took 2nd (woulda been first if not for a bad river card :mad: ) after taking first in the only other one I've played today.


  • One word:
    $210 + 15 Turbo SNG

  • What a shock, the guy who busted out is pissed.

  • Yep... pushing small edges to eliminate a dangerous player in a rapidly increasing blind situation. I thought he'd see that... he's usually pretty objective.
  • Fair enough BBC. Just wanted to see if people thought my play was good, bad, or somewhere in between...
  • For some reason I was reminded of this quote from some guy who's still in his 30's.
    ...and you'll see all sorts of courtesy and people sayin' nice things and "Good luck" and "Have a good game, good luck to you, sir." And in their head they're thinkin', "Man, I can hardly wait to bust that guy out of this tournament and send him cryin' to the rail to phone his mommy.

  • Dave Scharf? Doesn't sound like his usual style (I'm thinking of the apostrophe at the end of 'sayin') but the 'still in his 30's' reference makes me think it's Dave? In any case, great quote.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Dave Scharf? Doesn't sound like his usual style (I'm thinking of the apostrophe at the end of 'sayin') but the 'still in his 30's' reference makes me think it's Dave? In any case, great quote.

    Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

    It was part of his CBC Venture segment.

    I didn't mean to make the quote sound too "cowboy" or anything like that. He was just bein' folksy. :cool:

  • Ahhhhh gotcha, the fact that it was spoken makes much more sense. ROFL. I saw the segment, but when you write out the quote like that it makes it a million times better.
  • Just wanted to see if people thought my play was good, bad, or somewhere in between...

    I think it was probably somewhere in between good and somewhere in between.

    Seen in isolation, this play is probably at least okay or pretty good. You're probably a small favorite at best. Okay. You're also probably a small favorite a good proportion of the times that you make this play.

    In the overall scheme of the tournament (and future tournaments) the play gets upgraded to very good. It shows that you are capable of:

    1. Successfully sniffing out a steal. I think we already knew you can do that.

    2. Playing outside of your own box. Hassan probably hates the outcome probably at least in part because you have disturbed his notion that you are a pussycat when it comes to defending your blind.

    3. Taking a stand on your big blind against a short stack. This is both smart in isolation (as you tried to point out in the chat), and smart in setting up future plays. Why? You're most likely to face steals from short stacks in the future. Lots of such steals in Turbos. You don't want to be pegged as someone who will get run over in the blinds by a small stack.

    So, even if you think this looks like is a questionable play* in isolation, it gets better when viewed in the perspective of a whole tournament, and better still when considering you'll probably be facing at least a few of the same thinking opponents in future similar tournaments.


    *It's nowhere even close to a play that is worth ranting about like a 4-year old.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Ahhhhh gotcha, the fact that it was spoken makes much more sense. ROFL. I saw the segment, but when you write out the quote like that it makes it a million times better.

    Yes, that was a spoken word quote. It was probably misleading that I quoted it in the style of a forum post, but there were too many darn quotes within the quote to quote it using regular quotes.

    I've just been notified that I've exceeded my usage quota on the word 'quote'. That is, my quote quota.

  • I think your play was sound, you pegged him for a steal and figured you had the best hand.

    Making that call is great becauseyou figured you had the best hand, and it acts as an indirect warning to others, don't mess with my blind, i'll call you with a naked ace if i have to.

    Only one thing, if you play with this guy a lot in these $215 SNG, was pissing him off by justifying your play really worth it. I don't mean calling, i mean the calling him a whiny ass etc... You would have been better off even saying, well it's a bad call but i wanted to gamble. Your logic was different but does it really matter.
  • We're about to find out... I'm in another SNG with him now. So far, not a word spoken.
  • well i just popped in to watch, since both you and him are on the short stacked ... i don't think either of you should be doing much talking :)
  • What can I say... I didn't put my opponent on 34o! Same guy just called my all-in with K5 and won. Ugh.
  • Next time.
  • now you'll have to live with the shame of only winning like 90% of the $215 SNG you play
  • :redface: lol... it isn't quite that good. 90% in the money, maybe... :wink:
  • Chugs wrote:
    now you'll have to live with the shame of only winning like 90% of the $215 SNG you play

    LMAO...I just read this whole thread, the first couple of replies I busted a stitch...all_aces, I think we played that well, and I think H is like alot of player that think they are the cats meow of poker....SORE LOSERS..nice play, and a very gentlmenly way to say..Mr. H I'm sorry but...hahaha you suck..
  • HASSAN...

    He is a filthy whiner. That guy is the biggest baby ever. He is a good player, but not that good cuz to set him off its easy. He wins alot but he tilts easily.

    Me and him have have so many flame wars over nothing. He is a baby. I seen it a million times with that guy. Once he even reported my chat cuz of our juicing. Now thats sad.

    He can dish but he sure cant take. If any of u are playin hassan insult him gently and he'll tilt. Probably worth something on the hourly rate.

    Whenever one of our crew plays him in a 500 sit and go or whatever we joke about how we can put him on tilt.

    Nothing wrong with ALL ACES play at all, obviously.
  • Whiney Poker players.

    I tend not to acknowledge their existence at that point as it interferes with my game.

    People who curse cards and curse other players are the worst that i've seen.

    Saying anything just fuels the fire.
  • I'm sure the fact you play with him regularly has something to do with your read of the situation. You put him correctly on a steal and got your money in with the best hand. It's funny how many trash talkers have the view that it's a bad play to call them unless you have a premium hand, despite the fact that they are obvious thieves raising with junk all the time. They are also the same idiots who freak out when you try to steal from the button and then beat their better starting hand when you hit the flop.

    Anyways, it's the kind of play that is good when you are right, and not so good when you are wrong, but you have to follow your instinct sometimes.
  • In my experience, it takes a severely bad, catastrophically bad play for a genuinely good player to publicly admonish his opponent.

    Even superstar of the world Phil Hellmuth probably would admit he was beaten on that play.

    Hassan = idiot = probably posts on rpg
  • Hassan = idiot = probably posts on rpg

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