My new Challenge

Magi, talking about goals at the start of the year got me thinking. I used that idea to set a goal of earning enough playing NL tournies to go to the CPT. Which i barely managed to do.

So i've set a new goal with the aim of improving my game. In general i'm not a large time player but on an entirely net basis i'm a plus player in my results, even if only marginally. Those are results that are actual and not just dillusions, i decided to semi audit my neteller results and the like. I do have one nemesis POKERSTARS.

I contacted pokerstars and got a full ledger of my financial transactions with them, and was shocked to see how big a looser i was on that site. It's fair to say that my results would be a lot better overall if i had never met this site.

so my new goal is to bring my play at pokerstars upto a Net Zero. Since my first ever desposit there i've lost approx. $2250 on that site.

So while i will likely continue to play other sites, i want to convert this specific drain on my bankroll into a contributor. I realize that it would likely be wiser for me to simply write off the site, and focus my energy on easier games, but i play poker for the challenge and to improve my skill, and achieving this goal will only come as a result of improving my play.

I will NOT do daily updates but if i hit any major milestones, towards this challenge 1/2 way, complete etc... i'll share it.

Also if anyone has any pokerstars specific tips, please do share


  • gl to you Chugs. Pokerstars general tips... in NL SNG's I don't think it's possible to win without bluff check-raising a flop or a turn at least once or twice. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but many of those Stars SNG specialists do not make things easy. Can I get much more specific than this? Not really... you'll know when the time's right. With a good aggressive game (especially shorthanded) SNG's are the way to build a bankroll slowly but surely at that site. Mix up your game, and you'll win more often than you lose.

    And, try to go on a rush at the 30/60 tables. ;-) Again, good luck.
  • That's it i give up after 2 days.

    I just can't stand stars ring, i cry uncle ... i'm a fish and a donkey and just don't have the damn skill to beat them. I have a shit load of leaks in my game but i don't care there is no way i should be losing to the extent that i am.

    I even went and extracted any hands i played questionable and lost (and the ones i won in the same manner) ... i still was a complete dog.

    I quit, i'm going to go put some time back in at pacific and at some point when i can generate a 10,000 bankroll i'll try some $0.50/$1 at pokerstars (for me that may be a sustainable bankroll of 10000BB for me on stars), until then i'm swearing it off.

    I'll still dabble in the odd tourney, but my god i just aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • No sense beating your head against the wall. I went through this a few years back at Paradise. When I found I was averaging around 3% hands won over 300 hands, several times in a row, I felt something was wrong. I left, and later found Party. It's been party ever since.

    You mention that you have many leaks, but shouldn't be losing as much as you do. I suspect it's your style that isn't fitting well with the stars ring players. I find the games there to be very SLOW and it's really easy for impatience to set in. I mean slow in the sense of slow play, small pots, many more 2 way, 3 way pots. The game is more about isolation and selective aggression and folding marginal hands like AJ in the BB when it's been raised by an EP player. Ooops, I may have started another thread -- plz it's just a suggestion not a hard and fast rule. This is a huge generalization so it's not meat as advice, but more to let you know my general experience on their ring games.

    It's trully amazing how much a minor leak costs, in terms of not winning a pot that was yours or paying off another player. I like your approach to stay off the site. I highly recommend replaying the hands in Pokertracker with the cards face up, noting strict position guidlines for play. You'll be much stronger for it.


    P.S. For the life of me, I can't beat the 2/4 short handed game there. I swear they won't let me win. I can beat the 1/2, 3/6, 5/10 short game, but not 2/4. Go figure. I still try now and then, but alas I get taken to the cleaners on 2/4.

    P.S.S. When I turned off all the avatars I started winning much more. I'm not sure why, but it works for me.
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