Stars Sunday $215

Just thought I would give you all a heads up. Krazy Kanuck is playing right now and he's making some very interesting plays. He's got a decent stack, too. Should be fun to watch.


  • Doh -- he busted at 390! Those tournies are a tough haul these days.

  • It was brutal. He was all-in preflop KK vs AQ and the guy flops a queen and hits a second one on the river. Then later he was all-in QQ was AQ and the dude hits runner runner for the straight. According to krazy there was one more bad beat that I missed. He also said "he's finished with this site"
  • "he's finished with this site"

    Of course he said that, he's getting paid by UB.
  • Watched Phil hellmuth play on a $80/160 table and I think he is paid by UB also. Anywasy he lost on some seriously terrible cards by his opponents and some miracle UB specials. Also he said something funny. "this site is a joke" and "brutal". I know Phil likes to talk but I have to agree with him UB is terrible for runner runners I find it interesting that he would comment to that affect too. Conspiracy Theory.
  • PUNKYMISHA wrote:
    Watched Phil hellmuth play on a $80/160 table and I think he is paid by UB also. Anywasy he lost on some seriously terrible cards by his opponents and some miracle UB specials. Also he said something funny. "this site is a joke" and "brutal". I know Phil likes to talk but I have to agree with him UB is terrible for runner runners I find it interesting that he would comment to that affect too. Conspiracy Theory.

    Was he was playing on UB when he said "this site is a joke?" Or was he playing on stars? I'm a bit confused.

    Also, it's very easy to blame the sites when you take a bad beat. Even for the pro's. Had that happened live Phil would be complaining just as much, he just wouldn't have the site excuse to fall back on.
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