SB play - pot odds vs. position

I'm just curious about what a ball-park figure for VP$IP in the SB should look like. My play has adjusted somewhat. When I initially started playing, I wouldn't play speculative hands from the SB, as I rationalized it as a 0.5 SB I'm saving (and I have the worst position as well). After awhile I think I began to realize I was playing too tightly, and needed to loosen up a little due to the massive pot odds I'm getting. Now my VP$IP from the SB is sitting around 45% and I'm wondering if I've gone off the deep end and am playing too loosely from the SB? My PT stats show I'm showing a small profit from the SB, so it can't be all bad, but just wondered what a typical number would be?

Generally now I find myself playing any ace, any connector of 7-6 or higher, and just about any 2 suited (provided I'm not facing a raise).

Further to the question, I've recently moved from .50-1 to 1-2 limit and I'm wondering how many limpers I'd need to make these types of calls profitable? It just seems at 1-2 there are more often 1 or 2 limpers as opposed to the 3-6 limpers typical of .50-1.


  • I am interested in hearing what others have to say as well as I struggle with this. My take is that you can maybe play more speculative hands then you would from early position but that you have to be careful not to take it too far post flop because of poor position. I would think you are really looking to hit the flop or get the hell out of the way.
    Like I said, if that sounds lost it's because I am on this issue.

    I would think the more limpers the better and only play strong hands against raises.

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