my biggest pay night so far, sorry, have to post it

sorry about this guys, but i'm really excited about, i've been playing .25/.50 NL for a few months online, got up to $300 tonight and decided to try my hand at 1/2. I just stopped for the night up over $1300. My biggest payday by far, that makes my online bankroll like $1500 which started from a free $100 from Instant Bankroll.... again sorry for this guys, but I'm really excited about it and have to sharre with other poker lovers.


  • nice score

    good job and good luck in building that roll bigger and bigger.
  • can I marry you for your money?

    ( p.s. what is "Instant Bankroll" ? )
  • mragmoore wrote:
    can I marry you for your money?

    ( p.s. what is "Instant Bankroll" ? )
  • I'm not sure if this is really a rave story, or a well disguised advertisement. Well done either way!
  • very nice work, remember it can go just as quick as it comes. Keep your chin up and enjoy yourself, try not to get greedy! Congrats
  • Yes Instant Bankroll is legit. Myself and a few friends have done it and received the funds. Pokersourceonline does a lot of really great promotions and you should check em out.

    Sorry if this sounds like advertising but it is just an expression of my opinion.

  • ya, didn't mean to slide the adverisement in there, sorry about that, just saying how i started the bankroll from scratch. It is for sure legit though, and if you are going to do it, i would do it soon, Party Poker went public, so it might not be around forever, just a theory though.
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