2-Table TURBO SnG's on Stars

Anyone else playing in these things... they seem incredibly soft... I don't know if people are having a tough time adjusting their play to the fast blinds or what, but after 20 Sng's (split evenly between the $6+.5 and $15+1) I'm showing a 60% ITM and a 159% ROI...

if only this was sustainable... obviously this is a good run, but people seem overly aggressive in these things!

any thoughts...???


  • Find the type of game that bests suits your style and beat it for all it's worth.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Find the type of game that bests suits your style and beat it for all it's worth.
    I'm Tryin'... I'm Tryin!!! :D
  • i used to play this on Prima network, i find good strategy is play any 2 cards in the first couple rounds trying to bust people early with deceptive monsters, try to get in top 3 then let luck run and play super aggressive.

    used to work out pretty well for me
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