Table Choice at Party/Party Skins?

Just wondering what criteria people use when selecting tables at Party and Party Skins. I've just started playing there again, and without the percentage of people seeing the flop, I find it to be a crap shoot picking a table. Is this just an option that I am missing somewhere? Even the lowly (but profitable) Pacific shows this. It seems like an obvious omission on a site as big as Party.

So, if it isn't there, how are people chosing tables? Do you just sit down, and hope for the best? Move around until you find a good one? watch tables for a while (seems like a pain to me). Currently I'm just looking for tables with a few small stacks, to find weaker players, but this doesn't seem like the best system. :confused:


  • I use the friends list to keep track of the serious donkeys. I do a table search for the entire list, and join the table(s) where my "friends" are.

    After this, if I still want to join more tables, I simply do so by average pot (larger is better of course) adjusted by the waiting list. I generally don't join waiting lists of 20 or more players. Whoever is jamming/call those pots to make them big will often be gone when the wait list cycles 20 players. I don't always avoid the big lists, but if I notice something like (say, for 2/4) an average pot of $31 with wait list 18 and average pot $27 with wait list 5, I'd join the latter wait list.

    If % players/flop was available, I'd use that criterion with slightly higher priority than average pot.

  • My method is probably flawed and has a dose of superstition in it but I like tables with 9 players (cuz I hate to wait) and an average pot of 8BB's. The higher the better is probably true but I find 8BB's ususally has a good mix of maniacs and calling stations and has been profitable for me.
    I also hate sitting in seat 4! That's the superstition thing but I think that player is "gender ambiguous".
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