Chip and a chair, isn't that what they say?

I have seen some gross things in my time playing online, trust me.
I do recall a tourney maybe 2 years ago where I had the best chip and a chair survival story I knew of.
This one I think beats mine.
Randy Randle is my buddy Jeff the champ.
He sure knows how to win, here's one way:

Be sure to look at Randles starting chip count and the level they are at.
This is 3 handed final table of a 200+ players 30+3.
(if you know how to read hand histories well, just look at the hand numbers as they go one by one, and the winner of the hand with amount of chips in pot shipped for each hand.)

Hand #4807681-103 at Wed1amA-Final (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 09/Mar/05 05:02:59

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 202360.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 250.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 82390.
The button is at seat 2.

kcslim posts ante (600).
Randy_Randle posts ante (600).
Iowa Tony posts ante (600).
Iowa Tony posts the small blind of 3000.
Randy_Randle posts the big blind of 0, goes all-in.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


kcslim folds. Iowa Tony calls. Iowa Tony is
returned 6000 (uncalled).

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Iowa Tony shows 7d 9d.
Randy_Randle shows 7c 9h.

Flop (board: Qs Ks Ah):

Turn (board: Qs Ks Ah 7s):

River (board: Qs Ks Ah 7s 6c):


Iowa Tony has 7d Qs Ks Ah 7s: a pair of sevens.
Randy_Randle has 7c Qs Ks Ah 7s: a pair of sevens.

Hand #4807681-103 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Randy_Randle wins the main pot 375 of a 750 pot with a pair of sevens.
Iowa Tony wins the main pot 375 of a 750 pot with a pair of sevens.
Iowa Tony wins the side pot 700 with a pair of sevens.

3rd place paid out $855
1st paid out $1710

chip and a chair???

Hand #4807681-104 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 202835.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 375.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 81790.
The button is at seat 4.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


Iowa Tony raises to 12000. kcslim folds. Iowa Tony
is returned 6000 (uncalled).

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Iowa Tony shows Kd Js.
Randy_Randle shows 6d 7h.

Flop (board: 5h 4s Jc):

Turn (board: 5h 4s Jc 3d):

River (board: 5h 4s Jc 3d 6c):


Iowa Tony has Kd Js 5h Jc 6c: a pair of jacks.
Randy_Randle has 6d 7h 5h 4s 3d: straight, seven high.

Hand #4807681-104 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Randy_Randle wins the main pot 1125 with straight, seven high.
Iowa Tony wins the side pot 12450 with a pair of jacks.

Hand #4807681-105 at Wed1amA-Final
Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 208685.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 1125.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 75190.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


Randy_Randle goes all-in for 525. kcslim calls.
Iowa Tony checks.

Flop (board: As 8d 5s):

kcslim checks. Iowa Tony checks.

Turn (board: As 8d 5s 8s):

kcslim checks. Iowa Tony checks.

River (board: As 8d 5s 8s 2h):

kcslim checks. Iowa Tony checks.


kcslim shows Td 3d.
kcslim has Td As 8d 5s 8s: a pair of eights.
Iowa Tony shows 7c Ks.
Iowa Tony has 7c Ks As 8d 8s: a pair of eights, ace/king kickers.
Randy_Randle shows Ac 5d.
Randy_Randle has Ac 5d As 8d 8s: two pair, aces and eights.

Hand #4807681-105 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins the main pot 3375 with two pair, aces and eights.
Iowa Tony wins the side pot 10950 with a pair of eights.

I miss hand number 6 here, notsurewhy i have it missing, but its clear he won that pot as his chip count once again more than doubled up from previous hand.
This is getting gross huh??
he can now afford his whole ante and blind!!!
Keep watching

Hand #4807681-107 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 209660.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 7350.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 67990.
The button is at seat 4.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


Iowa Tony folds. Randy_Randle goes all-in for 6750.
kcslim calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Randy_Randle shows Jh Kd.
kcslim shows 8s Ad.

Flop (board: Tc 4c Kc):

Turn (board: Tc 4c Kc 2h):

River (board: Tc 4c Kc 2h 6c):


Randy_Randle has Jh Kd Tc Kc 6c: a pair of kings.
kcslim has 8s Ad Tc Kc 6c: ace high.

Hand #4807681-107 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins 15300 with a pair of kings.

and #4807681-108 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 209060.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 15300.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 60640.
The button is at seat 0.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


Randy_Randle goes all-in for 14700. kcslim folds.
Iowa Tony calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Iowa Tony shows 8s Kd.
Randy_Randle shows Kh Ah.

Flop (board: 5d 9h As):

Turn (board: 5d 9h As Ac):

River (board: 5d 9h As Ac Ks):


Iowa Tony has Kd 9h As Ac Ks: two pair, aces and kings.
Randy_Randle has Kh Ah As Ac Ks: full house, aces full of kings.

Hand #4807681-108 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins 34200 with full house, aces full of kings.

Hand #4807681-109 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 193760.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 34200.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 57040.
The button is at seat 2.


Randy_Randle wins 7800.

Hand #4807681-110 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 190160.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 38400.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 56440.
The button is at seat 4.


Hand #4807681-110 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins 13800.

Hand #4807681-111 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 189560.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 45600.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 49840.
The button is at seat 0.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


Randy_Randle goes all-in for 45000. kcslim goes
all-in for 49240. Iowa Tony folds. kcslim is
returned 4240 (uncalled).

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Randy_Randle shows Jh Jc.
kcslim shows As Ts.

Flop (board: 2d 9c 6d):

Turn (board: 2d 9c 6d Jd):

River (board: 2d 9c 6d Jd 7s):


Randy_Randle has Jh Jc 9c Jd 7s: three jacks.
kcslim has As Ts 9c Jd 7s: ace high.

Hand #4807681-111 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins 97800 with three jacks.

Hand #4807681-112 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 182960.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 97800.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 4240.
The button is at seat 2.

Iowa Tony: -- --
Randy_Randle: -- --
kcslim: -- --


kcslim goes all-in for 3640. Iowa Tony folds.
Randy_Randle checks. Randy_Randle is returned 2360

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

Randy_Randle shows 9s Jc.
kcslim shows Tc 8c.

Flop (board: 2d Th Qc):

Turn (board: 2d Th Qc 7d):

River (board: 2d Th Qc 7d 8d):


Randy_Randle has 9s Jc Th Qc 8d: straight, queen high.
kcslim has Tc 8c Th Qc 8d: two pair, tens and eights.

Hand #4807681-112 Summary:

Randy_Randle wins 12080 with straight, queen high.

Hand #4807681-113 at Wed1amA-Final

Iowa Tony is at seat 0 with 179360.
Randy_Randle is at seat 2 with 105640.
kcslim is at seat 4 with 0 (sitting out).
The button is at seat 4.

Now we are heads up with a nice 5-3 or so lead for the other guy.
He ended up having the lead for plenty of heads up play and lost.
Only 10 hands in a row!


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