Newbie Online Money Questions.

Hi All,
I've been messing around on the free tables at a couple of places(AP,Full Tilt) and
have gotten to the point where i wanna try for real but just in some 3-6 low limit
games or the odd tourney.So my questions are; use this do i need an american account or are canadian ones fine?
2.How much should i have in the account before i take the plunge? $500 or $1000?
3.Anybody use something other that Neteller? Credit Cards and the rates scare me!

Any Info is appreciated!


  • You can use a Canadian account for neteller, it works great. Deposit $500 and see what you think about the online game. It is much easier to lose $500 then lose $1000. You might find your first online experience a loosing one. On the other hand you might never have to deposit again!! I play at AP and find it fairly soft at the 2/4 and 3/6 levels. Good luck and welcome to the forum!

  • use this do i need an american account or are canadian ones fine?

    As was mentioned, you can link a Canadian bank account to Neteller.

    Using the standard speed Neteller transactions, there are no fees involved, other than those associated with currency exchange.

    Neteller currently charges fair (that is, similar to what you'd get from a Canadian bank or credit card) spreads for currency exchange. Roughly speaking, you lose about 2% of the value of your money every time you change currency.
    2.How much should i have in the account before i take the plunge? $500 or $1000?

    Not one cent more that you're comfortable with losing.
    3.Anybody use something other that Neteller? Credit Cards and the rates scare me!

    It's getting increasingly common that credit cards are being declined for online poker transactions. I use Neteller myself, and I'd recommend it.

    There are plenty of alternative online payment systems out there too. Check the websites of the poker site(s) you're interested in playing at. They will have a list of the various deposit & withdrawl methods that they accept.

  • Hi All,
    I've been messing around on the free tables at a couple of places(AP,Full Tilt) and
    have gotten to the point where i wanna try for real but just in some 3-6 low limit
    games or the odd tourney.

    Nobody found it a little strange that someone who only played free tables a few times wants to jump into 3/6 online poker? Even the micro-est of the microlimits have games that play far differently than play money tables.. You might want to start out there to save on the learning costs.

    If your previous experience is with live play 3/6, online 3/6 is a far different beast..
  • I didn't find it too strange, and he didn't ask for advice on limits.

    First limit I ever played online = $3/$6

    First limit I ever played B&M = $3/$6

  • Jumping into the on-line games at 3/6 with only play money experience is a recipe for disaster. Start slow and earn a roll to move up. Some might be able to be successful right away. But, at that level, most won't. Good luck.
  • Thanks for the responses!

    Just to clarify i'm not a Poker newbie,just one when it comes to putting money
    on the line over the net. :wink:

    I have had no problems playing 2-4, 3-6, 4-8 B&M games,just trying for more of
    the same with the ease of online play.Although the advice of "starting slow" is the
    way i'm going to go.

    Once again thanks for info!
  • I have had no problems playing 2-4, 3-6, 4-8 B&M games,just trying for more of
    the same with the ease of online play.Although the advice of "starting slow" is the
    way i'm going to go.

    While I agree you probably have some experience, just a word of caution. You might find the online 3-6 to be more of a grind than 3-6 B&M. Just from my experiences, I find the 2-5 games at some of the casinos to be far looser than a typical .50-1 game online...
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