Anything I could have done differently?

This is my final hand from a pokerstars $10+1 MTT which started with 850, top 81 paid and this was around 110 remaining.

A bit of background - This was the 4th flop I saw from outside the blinds in 116 total hands, plus maybe 3 or 4 that raised and I took down the blinds. I had been at the table for most of that tourney, so I can only assume I had a fairly tight image.

The player on my right had been raising with any real hand, and limping every time he had an ace, then check-folding anytime he missed the flop. Also I don't remember seeing him limp and then fold to a raise. Also the hand right before this one, he lost 5000 chips with A2 to 77 after calling an all-in on the flop with bottom pair against the made set.

PokerStars Game #1324604350: Tournament #5833307, Hold'em No Limit - Level X (400/800) - 2005/03/08 - 16:23:58 (ET)
Table '5833307 61' Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: wormhole (16805 in chips)
Seat 2: mpeter55 (5565 in chips)
Seat 3: TOUNGE KISS (19625 in chips)
Seat 4: ThE MyZeR (14198 in chips)
Seat 5: BAshfield11 (4725 in chips)
Seat 6: potsy65 (11610 in chips)
Seat 7: joebud (16430 in chips)
Seat 8: beniskewl (12432 in chips)
Seat 9: irishPOW (29409 in chips)
wormhole: posts the ante 50
mpeter55: posts the ante 50
TOUNGE KISS: posts the ante 50
ThE MyZeR: posts the ante 50
BAshfield11: posts the ante 50
potsy65: posts the ante 50
joebud: posts the ante 50
beniskewl: posts the ante 50
irishPOW: posts the ante 50
beniskewl: posts small blind 400
irishPOW: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to BAshfield11 [Ah Ad]
wormhole: folds
mpeter55: folds
ThE MyZeR: calls 800
BAshfield11: raises 1600 to 2400

I thought about just pushing here but decided it was better to only get half my money in preflop, thinking he might try to avoid big hands back to back, and then push on just about any flop if he checked it to me.

potsy65: folds
joebud: folds
beniskewl: folds
irishPOW: folds
ThE MyZeR: calls 1600
*** FLOP *** [5d 3c 3d]
ThE MyZeR: checks
BAshfield11: bets 2275 and is all-in
ThE MyZeR: calls 2275
*** TURN *** [5d 3c 3d] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [5d 3c 3d Kd] [6h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ThE MyZeR: shows [Qd 2d] (a flush, King high)
BAshfield11: shows [Ah Ad] (two pair, Aces and Threes)
ThE MyZeR collected 11000 from pot

I don't really see any way to play this differently, but any comments would be appreciated.



  • With 2,450 already in the pot pre-flop, I'm all-in.

  • You are still a 70% favourite after the flop when you stuck all your chips in, plus you were pot comitted by that point. I can't see any other way to play it.

    It's a questionable limp by the guy on your right in MP with Q2s and an even more questionable call after your 3x BB raise - you just ran into lucky cards (or unlucky in your case).
  • I think you did it right. Maybe going all-in preflop would have made him fold. That's it. I would have gone all-in preflop. The guy called with a flush draw, what are you going to do? You couldn't fold after the flop since you were committed and he would have raised you all-in anyway on the turn. You may have folded there but would have been really hurting.
  • You were the shortest of the short stacks.

    I would have played the same way.
  • With your stack I'm pushing or folding with an above average hand (yes, AA qualifies). In this case with a limper in front of me I might limp behind hoping for some more callers and pushing to any raise or on any flop. Limping is a bit more a gamble but with a much bigger reward if you win. I'm not crazy about your raise since it will usually only be called by the limper or another big hand in which case you might as well push as you will achieve the same result getting more chips in as the favourite.
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