More 30/60 action...

I just played two hands that brought to mind the highly controversial (well not really) '30/60 analysis' thread. What these hands have in common with that one is me sitting there on the river thinking 'there's no way my hand is good, but I gotta call'. They happened within one minute of each other, on two different tables.

Hand one.

I have AhJs in EP and raise. MP, LP, and BB call.

4 of us to the flop: 8d 6h Jc. BB checks, I bet, MP and LP call, BB folds.

3 of us to the turn: Tc. I bet and get called in both spots.

3 of us to the river: 9h. Checked to LP who bets, I call and so does MP.

LP: AdKs for high card ace.
MP: AsTs for a pair of tens.

Hand two.

I have JhJd on the button. Folded to MP who calls. CO raises and I 3-bet. BB, MP, and CO all call.

4 of us to the flop: 3d Qc 2h. Checked to me, I bet, and everyone calls.

4 of us to the turn: 2s. Checked around.

4 of us to the river: 3h. Checked to CO who bets. I call, and to my surprise (and dismay), so do MM and MP.

CO: Ad7h for the 2 pair on the board with an ace kicker.
BB: 6c6s for 2 pair, sixes and threes.
MP: Ah4c for the 2 pair on the board with an ace kicker.

Don't worry, I'm not going to post every damn hand that I win. :wink: I just posted these because they reminded me of the other hand I posted. I guess there's a lesson here: if you're ever in the Stars 30/60 game and you find yourself on the river with a hand that you think MUST be beat, it's probably worth a single call to find out.

I think my play was pretty straightforward (read: less fishy that the JQo hand...) on both of these. It's interesting to note, though, that if anyone had raised the river on either of these hands, I would have folded.


  • I have trouble multi-tabling at 3/6 and your multi-tabling at 30/60 sweeetttt!

    To be honest when you checked the river on the first, hand it almost automatically invites a bet from one of the other players, and i think calling is automatic. For the guy with AK, his only chance to win is by betting and he took a shot at it.

    What i want to know is where can i hand a 30/60 game where everyone seems to love an unsuited ace-rag and likes to raise with them ... that seems heavenly.
  • Lately it been a very "good" group of players. It can turn on a dime though as new ones sit down... I think the key is knowing when to get up and go, which I'm trying to get a feel for.
  • Wow, ok need to build my bankroll....

    Wait it can't be that easy.... Does poker stars give free alcohol at the 30/60 level?

    Again All-Aces...what poker world you get to live in? Any room for a house boy? :D
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