Suggestion on the way I play

I have been playing alot of SnG lately at pokerstars
mainly playing at 12+1 6hand table .. where top 2 pays

i play like 5-6 of those SnG a day and i will finish 2nd 3-4 times i play... the problem i'm seeing is that
at the beginnnig of the tournament i always tend to call almost every bet wit any hand. which always brings me a to a short stake of the table like around 900 or so
then i will become really tight and start folding alot of hands that i usually play like ... K10 Q9 Q8 offsuit and sometime suited to raises of 2-3x the blinds... so the blinds will take my stack until i'm at500 or so... at this point mostly i have given up the tourny but so i go all in with any suited connector and flops will come hitting my cards and double up... mayb it's PS doing won't let me lose or something...
but as u can see if i play like this in a mtt i would be out after the first break because of blinds...

i guess my question is ... anyone else think my playing has a problem ... i'm winning thats for sure over 50% of the time but is there anything i can do so i can finish 1st more often then 2nd...
i've tried playing tight at the begining of the tourny that way i usually finish quicker then the way i play

if anyone want to see the way i play and comment... if i can get the tourny hands from PS i will send them to you so u can look at them... anyone know if i can?

hope this long post makes sense...
thanx for any suggestion and readnig my post


  • I didn't know they had 6 handed SNGs... Might have to try those out :) From my experience playing 10+1 single table (9 player) SNG on Stars, I generally play fairly tightly early on. I don't want to squander my stack on speculative holdings in what usually ends up with multi-way pots. If I can get in cheaply with a hand that has the potential to flop big, I'll generally take it, but my big concern is keeping my stack at a playable level while the idiots knock themselves out. After playing this way for a while, I tend to shift gears once the blinds start to become more significant. Many of the players WILL tighten up as the blinds increase, giving you a license to steal and build your stack...
  • i always tend to call almost every bet wit any hand

    Sounds like you've already found the solution.. 'Tighten up' but by that I mean only play Suited connectors, pocketpairs and like AJ+.. You'll still see a ton of flops, but you'll be playing hands with great implied odds when they hit as opposed to Q8o which should almost always get tossed..

    As for heads up,Figure out what box your opponent is in an use that info to kill him. If he folds too much, bet marginal hands. If he goes all-in all the time, take him out with a more maginal hand. If he's overagressive, sit back hit and hand and punish him.. You really need to be able to play all the stereotypes of games in order to be truely successful at heads up. Also remember that you are realistically shooting for a 60%ish win rate heads up.
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