No Protection? What?

so i'm MP with 8 :spade: 8 :heart: decided to just limp :redface:
so 3 players see the flop ( LP, SB, BB )

flop goes 7 :club: 5 :heart: 8 :diamond:

so i make it 150 more
LP and SB folds
BB calls

turn 2 :club:

i make it 600 to go
he re raises All In ( about 1100 more to me )

i call

he flips over 4 :spade: 6 :diamond:

:eek: :eek: :eek: I'm sick as I just lost half my stack :frown:

been downhill since then 4 orbits later

DONE! FINI! GONE! :redface: :redface: :redface:
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