Call? Fold? What?


you (MP) with JJ ( your stack 6600 )

flop is QQK

button moves allin ( is shortstacked 3600 blinds are 300/600 )

is folded to you and not much in the pot

do you call? fold?

what does the button have?

:spade: :heart: :club: :diamond:


  • easy fold
    the button could have any Q
    a K or even AA
    i dont think there is any way you could call this
  • What was the pre-flop and flop action? Does the opponent have 3,600 to begin the hand, or is this the amount of the all-in bet?

    If the pot is currently "small", that suggests that you limped in with JJ. Any reason you decided not to raise pre-flop?

    Folding on that flop seems right in most cases.

  • I agree with yubyub - fold.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    What was the pre-flop and flop action? Does the opponent have 3,600 to begin the hand, or is this the amount of the all-in bet?

    If the pot is currently "small", that suggests that you limped in with JJ. Any reason you decided not to raise pre-flop?

    Folding on that flop seems right in most cases.


    actually i was on the button with AKo
    started with 4800
    made a small raise :redface: ( was hesitant to move all in PF ...just lost 13,000 on previous hand :frown: )

    flop goes QQK
    and i moved in

    i'm tryin' figure out why he called with JJ :confused:

    worst of it is...he caught runner runner

    Turn: T
    River: A

  • So, there is at least 3,300 in the pot when he calls 3,600 more with the JJ. Not a huge pot, but I wouldn't call it small either. A call from the JJ is proabably still wrong, but it's pretty close. He needs to feel he has about a 35% chance overall of winning the pot to make calling here correct, so it depends on his perception of how often you would bluff in this spot.

    The tricky part is assessing these two probabilities:

    1. That you have a hand that is currently winning.

    2. That you would bluff given that you have not made a hand.

    The whole exercise is going to depend on how tricky he thinks you are in general, as well as how desparate he thinks you may be on the short stack, and what sort of hands are in your pre-flop box based on how you played before the flop.

    Poker ain't easy. :cool:

    On a stack of 8 big blinds with AK on the button facing (at least) one previous limper, I'd be more inclined to simply push all-in pre-flop.

  • ScottyZ wrote:

    Poker ain't easy. :cool:

    i agree :spade:
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