Am I loosing out on $$ by not using a HUD? pros/cons

Hey guys,

so I was wondering about using a HUD when playing if I am loosing out on money by not using one, or if there really isnt much difference if you understand the math and situations etc? I tried using one a while back but found it extremely confusing and wasn't sure what numbers to be focusing on and how to interpret everything. I wanted to know if you think a HUD is a money maker or not and if so, what settings do you have shown and what do you find most important to look at or how do you interpret those numbers?

Any advice info is appreciated. Thanks


  • You will definitely lose money. Loosing money however, IDK?
  • Just downloaded holdem manager and wow, a little overwhemled right now, not sure really where to start. any tips advice?
  • There's a thread on here with some really good information about what elements you want your hud tracking. Somewhere. Just do a search. It's gotta be in the online poker subforum somewhere.

    I bought pt3 about a year ago, but I mostly just play sng, so it wasn't terribly helpful to me and I just didn't use it much anymore.
  • Just downloaded holdem manager and wow, a little overwhemled right now, not sure really where to start. any tips advice?

    I recently signed up for tournament poker edge. They have a great 7 part series on how to use HM2 specifically for MTT. For $26 bucks it definitely worth the money.
  • I used to be Huugge Into HUD stats when I Grinded mtt's, was faithful to pt3 and then I was a pt4 guinea pig, and then I got HEM2 because all the cool kids were doing it and now I got regular old HEM because it rapes.

    Anyways yeah, I was big into HUD stats and then I levelled the shit out of myself "this guy 3 bets the button 24%!! there's no way he has a hand, I'm gonna 4b shove over him with 89s!!!" and sure enough he had kangs or something insane and I'd feel :(

    stopped using it and "played blind" and my results improved huge because I played logically.

    Nowadays I only play cash games onrine and I wouldn't dream playing without it, fold to 3b and other stats are so crucial in decision making against villains.

    Basically in a nut shell, a HUD will help u immensely if you use it properly and don't rely on it so much that it throws common sense and logic out the window like it did for me.

    Then again, most people aren't as dumb as me, so I say go for it sir, get as much info/ help as you can! ^-^
  • Just downloaded holdem manager and wow, a little overwhemled right now, not sure really where to start. any tips advice?

    I recommend configuring it first and foremost

    To start out, I would filter In only the info you find helpful or that you understand.

    Maybe something like VPIP, 3b, c-bet. Just something reeeaaly basic.

    As you get comfortable with the program, and can navigate the huge data base (I know it seems so crazy at first) add stats as you learn more about what they mean, and how they can help your specific game.

    If u need help u can always pm me
  • I hear the online games are softest in BC. f you move there you will notice the greatest benefits of using a HUD.
  • I know some sickos who use them and some who don't. I'd say its what ever makes you feel more comfortable, i personally have never used but i think it can help (especially at the lower stakes)
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