Help reading Statistics

I need some help learning to understand my playing statistics.What they mean?How to interpret them?What does it say about my style of play?What sort of ranges should I be looking to maintain in each category?I'm new to playing in fact I had never played even one hand before 6 weeks ago,so I have so much to learn.I'm going to post my MTCT stats from Party Poker as of today and if any of you out there could help me find some enlightenment I would appreciate it.


Hands Played-1535

My Actions;
Fold:57.08% Bet:7.52%
Call:15.98% Raise:6.94%
Check:12.47% Re-Raise:0.22%

Where I Fold

Pre-Flop:75.26% River:1.37%
Flop:4.95% No-Fold:16.47%

Hands Won:13.02% Flops Seen:22.72%
Showdowns Won:6.38 Win % of Flops Seen:42.69%

Those are the numbers.Any help would be great


  • are you playing 6max or 9max? (assumin HU is out of the question, this would be far 2 low for HU)

    The numbers here are so messy anyways...

    River fold = 1.37% WTF... you need to see % you fold on flops.. say 40% fold to Cbet
    not 4.95%

    It's really just not enough info 2 analyze here IMO...
    It needs to be broken down even more...

    PS: your sample size is extremely small as well..
  • I'm not really a stats guy but these are my thoughts:

    Folding - preflop seems low, likely shouldn't be seeing 1/4 flops (may go down on larger sample size). Fold % on turn and river are very low...i.e. calling off too much to see the river.

    Raising - should be higher pre-flop and re-raising seems extremely low.
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