Q, 2 suited ........ Is it wrong to limp in ?????

Lastnight I played in a tournament at Party Poker. ($5 + $1) 800 chips to start with.

Third or fourth hand I got Qc, 2c. I limp in with the BB at 15.. there is 8 of us to see the flop.

Flop comes 2d, Qh, 4s

2 players check to me. I put a feeler bet of 100 in, everyone except one folds. The one that stayed in just called.

Turn 2h

He checks to me. So with the Full House I go "ALL IN" ... the guy calls right away.

River 4d

He shows 4,6 off suite. So he hits his full house on the river and takes me down. I type "GG" and was ready to leave the table and get into another one then there was 4 or 5 players that started bashing me for playing the Q,2 and not folding pre-flop. Only one ended up bitching about the guy that won with a 4,6 off suite.

I just don't understand how people can / want to be idiots all the time and bitch about other peoples playing style. If I made the wrong call... Oh well, I was out of the tournament and so they made it one step closer to winning it. I enjoy the game and especially when I play such low stake games I expect people to take more chances and play "Bad Hands".

But to me with me only having to put 15 chips in to see the flop ..... Well I personally don't think it was a bad move...... And if the guy with 4,6 didn't call me chasing the river card I would have taken 205 chips....

Anyway I left the table after they moved on to bitch about something else and placed 2nd in a $10 + $1 tournament and won $30 so for the night a was up $13 in two quick tournaments and went to bed ........ Not rich but ahead (LOL) :D


  • I don't think limping in was such a bad move. Depending on your stack, it wasn't so bad being in the Big Blind.

    I am more puzzled by the guy who called your "all-in" with two bottom pair. I don't understand his logic.

    The other players ragging on you seems a bit odd to me. You both didn't have the best hands pre-flop but his was much much worse. After the flop you were right to play.

    P.S. I think this is in the wrong thread, though.
  • Sorry if in wrong spot. (( New Here, :) )

    Thanks for replying though. That's what got me was that no one ragged on him as he won and was still in the hand. I was out and as far as they new I was gone from the table as my character was gone from the screen. I just sat there and read what they typed for a bit in silence :wink:
  • I don't see anything wrong limping in early on with the blinds being low.

    If the blinds are low, I will limp in with hands like that often. Once the blinds start moving up then I stop limping in.

    I think most of the players were bitching because you basically had them beat with ok cards, but as for them all bitching are they saying they all had 10,J suited or higher? I mean there were 8 callers pre-flop.

    Also why would that guy call you with his pair of 4's on the flop????

    I think you played alright here, nothing you could do if a guy is will to go all in with 2 pairs and one of them is on the board.
  • I wouldn't often limp-in with Q2s in the early rounds, but it's not horrible to limp in with a wide variety of hands in the opening rounds, particularly in a field which seems to be both passive (pre-flop) and of a low skill level. I think playing a Q2s here is probably a marginal play at best, but certainly not one worth berating someone over.

  • and the other problem was that u underestimated the arlo..... haha j/k

    just dont play Q2 soooooooted to begin with and youll be in good shape :)
  • Sorry, but RGP lingo is strictly forbidden here.

    Arlo is just some dude, and Presto is just a handy substitute for Alakazam when you're short on time after performing a cool magic trick.

    Move along. Nothing to see here.


  • bbd123 wrote:
    I just don't understand how people can / want to be idiots all the time and bitch about other peoples playing style. If I made the wrong call... Oh well, I was out of the tournament and so they made it one step closer to winning it. I enjoy the game and especially when I play such low stake games I expect people to take more chances and play "Bad Hands".

    If you want to limp in with Q2 then that's your business. It's your $6 and they can kiss your a** if they don't like it. I would be tempted to direct them to the $500 S&G tables where the level of play might be more to their liking. Best to just ignore them and add them to your buddy list. They probably have weak tight tendancies that you will be able to exploit in the future. Players berating others at low limits has more to do with trying to show others how smart they are. They are unsure of their skills and need to compensate. If a few of them start agreeing with each other and then they are all berating you then it's classic group think. "I don't want to look stupid so I will agree and join the gang".
    Tag them and then exploit them next time you are sitting at their table.

    Congrats on the $10 S&G win.
  • With Qc, 2c Hole Cards and Flop: 2d, Qh, 4s

    I would go all in at that point - allowing a free turn-card tends to create incentives for potential flush drawers to want to stay in and bingo for the river card.
  • Whenever some hero tries giving me advice I have a few usual answers.
    It depends on my mood at the time. Whatever works though. :)

    The more common ones would be........

    OH, I've never noticed your name on the WPT before.


    Mind your own chips.


    Ya, like I'd take advice from a total stranger in a $5 tournament.
  • sure, if you on the button and all those callers, its added value and i would possibly limp as well. Oh well, nice try.
  • DJP wrote:
    Whenever some hero tries giving me advice I have a few usual answers.
    It depends on my mood at the time. Whatever works though. :)

    The more common ones would be........

    OH, I've never noticed your name on the WPT before.


    Mind your own chips.


    Ya, like I'd take advice from a total stranger in a $5 tournament.


    the Yakuza will be paying you a visit sometime...
  • . Best to just ignore them and add them to your buddy list. They probably have weak tight tendancies that you will be able to exploit in the future.

    Meh, weak-tight players arent really that juicy that you want to keep track of them. They are everywhere in the poker world.
    With Qc, 2c Hole Cards and Flop: 2d, Qh, 4s

    I would go all in at that point - allowing a free turn-card tends to create incentives for potential flush drawers to want to stay in and bingo for the river card.

    You WANT the guys to play bingo with you if you can get them to call an all-in on the turn. Drawing odds are severely diminished with only 1 card to come.
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