
I was wondering if any "veteran mulitablers may be answer my question, is it worth multi-tabling in the long run?, I play right now .50/$1 and I'm wondering if it is worth the risk, also do I need to make any adjustments regarding my bankroll?....and what about if I was a 5/10 and multi-tabling, same idea? or is it only for low limit that you should mulit-table....




  • Personally, I can only play if I'm multi-tabling. My maximum is 2, as I find i need to keep track of player tendancies and can do that with two tables. Any more and I'm usually in major tilt/tired mode needing lots of flashing lights to keep the brain active -- it's not that effective for me.

    I find my win rate is actually better with 2 tables as I find I can be more patient. Keep in mind that the bad beats will be double and if you can't maintain an even keel after a bad beat, it will be disasterous.

    Note, I really cannot do more than one NL table very effectively. Limit seems like an easier beast.

  • 2 tables if im playing (just to help keep focus)
    I find the action just moves to slow if im playing one table and i might get sloppy and play hands that i shouldnt be in....

    If im bonus clearing (which i will be as soon as pokerroom puts thru my withdrawl!) i will play usually 3 tables of 1-2 limit at party

    Its a good way to get needed raked hands done = pro (bonus clearing)
    see enough hands where u wont get bored = pro
    can get a 'little' busy if u have playable hands at more than one table at a time = pro & con
    might not get good reads/notes on some people = con
  • I agree with the previous 2 posts. I actually play better when I play two tables. Playing just one makes me start loosening up and playing marginal holdings out of boredom. It does take a little while to get used to, but once you do, I think it's superior way to play.

    I'm sure at higher limits, the advantages lessen or disappear completely because of the tougher players, but I don't think you're going to make any earth-shattering reads on $.50/$1 players anyway... ;-)
  • I agree with everyone above. Once you have enough experience playing low-limit holdem moving to two tables is the way to go. You can still keep track of the players tendencies and it helps stave off boredom. A lot of decisions in low-limit are relatively straight forward anyways (once you have enough experience) so I don't find I lose much if anything adding a second table.
  • get pokertracker and play 4 :D
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