
A couple days ago I had my first post in a very long time and it was to sell action for WSOPC taking place in Vancouver, BC. I normally don't post on here, infact I dont post anywhere as I'm way too lazy to do any writing in my free time. My Grade 8 teacher used to say I had a "mental shut down" when it came to writing.

After the BAP thread, I started exploring the threads on this site and when doing so I thought I should start my own thread tracking my progress in poker. There was another poker player that tried to do the same, but it felt like he missed out on a lot of the components that players were looking for such as graphs, poker theory, HHs etc.

I wanted to start a Poker Goals and Challenges thread on twoplustwo, but I feel the market for that there is way too saturated and didn't see one being done effectively on this site, so I thought why not make one here?

I am currently in my final semester in Economics with a Finance Speciaization at the University of Waterloo (Only 2 courses left!). I have been playing poker for about 3 years, but I would say I started taking it seriously and working on my game about 2 years ago when I met Vekked at "Buzzards".

Im 22 years old and in the past 2 years, playing part time I have made over 60k in profits (Online + Live), but I do not have much to show for it. Tuition, schooling expenses and partying have taken the bulk of my poker profits, forcing me to be stationed at midstakes for a while now.

I do plan on playing for a living once this semester is over and will take you guys along the ride with me. I will post my goals and challenges on this thread along with all relevant poker stuff. Currently I play/study poker 3 days a week (2 Days Grizinding- Mixture of Online or Live, 1 Day- Reflection/ Review HHs/ Watch training videos) and I grind low-midstakes tourneys. I usually slack on the study days, spending 3hours studying and the rest of the day youtubing cat videos. Hopefully this thread can motivate me to study more. The days I grind, I will share interesting stories about my life or poker related content, if there is something you guys want me to speak about. Let me know.

I am currently on my 2nd biggest downswing and it's been a bit rough.
~11k= ~3k online + ~8k live, mainly due to the fact that I took a shot at 10/20 and ran pretty poorly. Hopefully my run good will start now and you guys can be a part of it.

I will stop my ramblings at this point because there will be lots to speak about as this thread continues.

If you guys have any questions about poker or my life in general, please feel free to ask away.

Finally here are all my contact infos:

Pokerstars: Ram_siva1 (I will always show when I'm at the tables, so you guys can sweat whenever you want)
Gmail: WrathofRam@gmail.com


  • Good luck with this :)
  • [x] Real pro itt.

    Good luck ram. Hope you can still make it out to the odd HPT.
  • awesome dude gl hope you get out of ur dswing
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    [x] Real pro itt.

    Good luck ram. Hope you can still make it out to the odd HPT.

  • ram_siva1 wrote: »
    I do plan on playing for a living once this semester is over and will take you guys along the ride with me.

    know of a sick 10/20 game in Richmond Hill..sick...better bring the entire remaining bankroll...
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    [x] Real pro itt.

    Good luck ram. Hope you can still make it out to the odd HPT.

  • Right approach, gl and keep us in the loop.. If you have been using your profits to fund schooling, that's a win.. Nice to see..
  • gl ram. definitely a bit jealous i must admit. don't forget about our little poker forum when you hit it big time.
  • Okay, giraffes or not, I am looking forward to this.
  • I find it heartwarming that the members of this Forum can get behind a young guy who wants to turn pro.
  • Don't act so surprised . . .
  • Hey Guys, after my session yesterday I got on my bed to watch "the office" and passed out within the first 5 mins. About 5 hours later, I am now wide awake. One of the worst things about poker is it completely messes up your sleeping schedule and I've had the hardest time getting it back on track. When I do get it back on track, I'll go to the casino and have a long session bringing me back to the state where I can't fall asleep until 6 in the morning. Hopefully after writing this response, I can somehow fall back asleep.

    I have this weird notion that when you say a "pro", you are this awesome player that makes a crap load of money. As much as I would like to be considered a "pro", under my definition of it, I got a long way to go.

    It feels extremely good to have this kind of support from the forum. To be honest, I was a bit nervous when I thought about starting this thread only because of the general atmosphere of this forum, trolling in particular. But in the back of my mind, I felt that if I provided you guys with good material and what you guys asked for. Then I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to get your support.

    Session 1:

    Notable finishes:

    $22 R/A (13 of 661) - $251
    $10 KO (15 of 807) - $ 30
    $10 R/A (3 of 475) - $1172
    $2R 2x Turbo (51 of 2454) - $41

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    know of a sick 10/20 game in Richmond Hill..sick...better bring the entire remaining bankroll...

    I have no idea where cash games are located in the GTA. I primarily play online and only go to the casino when I feel like I want a change of scenario and to socialize. That being said, fallsview has a very good 10/20 cash game and if you go there and ask around, I'm sure there will be a couple guys that will tell you about home games.
  • ram_siva1 wrote: »
    Hey Guys, after my session yesterday I got on my bed to watch "the office" and passed out within the first 5 mins. About 5 hours later, I am now wide awake. One of the worst things about poker is it completely messes up your sleeping schedule and I've had the hardest time getting it back on track. When I do get it back on track, I'll go to the casino and have long session bringing me back to the state where I can't fall asleep until 6 in the morning. Hopefully after writing this response, I can somehow fall back asleep.

    I have this weird notion that when you say a "pro", you are this awesome player that makes a crap load of money. As much as I would like to be considered a "pro", under my definition of it, I got a long way to go.

    It feels extremely good to have this kind of support from the forum. To be honest, I was a bit nervous when I thought about starting this thread only because of the general atmosphere of this forum, trolling in particular. But in the back of my mind, I felt that if I provided you guys with good material and what you guys asked for. Then I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to get your support.

    Session 1:

    Notable finishes:

    $22 R/A (13 of 661) - $251
    $10 KO (15 of 807) - $ 30
    $10 R/A (3 of 475) - $1172
    $2R 2x Turbo (51 of 2454) - $41


    May want to use green or black for profit and red for losses.

    I don't think anyone will be negative towards any member that is trying to improve as a player and make money at the game. You probably came around at a terrible time to get an impression of people on here...gl with your endeavor and post some notable hands or any questions you may have.

    As for the sleeping, it all depends on what you want to do. Many successful cash game players and online MTT players forego some $$EV and miss some softer games to gain some lifeEV and remain on a fairly regimented schedule. If you are a good player you have the flexibility to maintain whatever schedule fits your needs.
  • Since the last post a couple hrs ago, I still havent been able to go back to sleep. Maybe its because I have a laptop so close to my bed. So I started watching the WSOP main event on youtube and got the itch to play some live. Is it just me or are there other people who want to play live mainly because they like rifling CHIPS? Im going to catch the 8:00am Safeway tour bus to fallsview and play some 2/5 and move to 5/10 if I feel good about my game.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I don't think anyone will be negative towards any member that is trying to improve as a player and make money at the game. You probably came around at a terrible time to get an impression of people on here...gl with your endeavor and post some notable hands or any questions you may have.

    Ram is a reg in the KW poker scene. I've watched his game improve over the last few years. (Although not lately, it's been awhile dude!)

    This will be a success story.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    As for the sleeping, it all depends on what you want to do. Many successful cash game players and online MTT players forego some $$EV and miss some softer games to gain some lifeEV and remain on a fairly regimented schedule. If you are a good player you have the flexibility to maintain whatever schedule fits your needs.

    Yup that's how I feel. Some guys here for instance start Sunday early catching the soft Euro crowd. I personally pass on that EV just to my usual routine and relax before the grind.
  • I just finished with the casino. All in all, I think I might be a better 5/10 player than a 2/5. 2/5 at fallsview is either too tight or way too loose. It's pretty tilting to not get any action when you're playing live because the game moves at such a slow rate. I was playing hyper Lag where I think I opened 50% of pots, I just was a bit frustrated at how slow the game was for me. I was up around $700 about 1hr into the session then I lost the profits another $145.


    CO opens for $35 (brown middle aged guy who seems to be pretty aggro pre and has been pretty much winning every pot in the past 3hrs)

    Hero: 9To OTB and I flat with no other callers and the flop comes K78r
    He cbets $60 and I flat.

    Turn comes 2 and he bets $125 and I ship it for about $430 and miss the river.

    So I lost $145 in the 2/5 session and went to 5/10 after dinner. I feel that I play a bit better at these stakes and booked $1175 session.

    Oct 20, 2012 - Live Session

    2/5, 6 Hrs, -$145
    5/10, 6Hrs, $1175
  • While I think different stakes will have different players, part of this process should be learning to adapt to the table dynamics of whatever table you are on. The generally accepted method is to play opposite to the table (tight table = loosen up and vice versa)

    You are not always going to be able to sit at your ideal table. The stakes may not be spreading, the table is not giving action, etc.. The key is going to be learning to still make money on those less than optimal tables.

    Don't get me wrong, if you can move to the ideal table, then do it.
  • ram_siva1 wrote: »
    I just finished with the casino. All in all, I think I might be a better 5/10 player than a 2/5. 2/5 at fallsview is either too tight or way too loose. It's pretty tilting to not get any action when you're playing live because the game moves at such a slow rate. I was playing hyper Lag where I think I opened 50% of pots, I just was a bit frustrated at how slow the game was for me. I was up around $700 about 1hr into the session then I lost the profits another $145.


    CO opens for $35 (brown middle aged guy who seems to be pretty aggro pre and has been pretty much winning every pot in the past 3hrs)

    Hero: 9To OTB and I flat with no other callers and the flop comes K78r
    He cbets $60 and I flat.

    Turn comes 2 and he bets $125 and I ship it for about $430 and miss the river.

    So I lost $145 in the 2/5 session and went to 5/10 after dinner. I feel that I play a bit better at these stakes and booked $1175 session.

    Oct 20, 2012 - Live Session

    2/5, 6 Hrs, -$145
    5/10, 6Hrs, $1175

    That hand was pretty bad, especially without any reasoning behind each street of play. Pretty hard to say you are a better player at certain stakes without at least a few months or a year of full time play at each stake. You are just describing a few tables which can occur at any stakes.

    If the money you can win/lose at 2/5 doesn't mean anything to you then you should play 5/10. No point playing at stakes where the money has no meaning to you...although I doubt that is the case with your current bankroll, I could be wrong.
  • Yes, I did not give reasoning for the streets in these hands. It was one of those spots where I thought I could get him off one pair. It was an example of a terrible hand, I just wanted to win money back and played a hand extremely poorly.

    I have played over ~550 hours with an average hourly rate of ~$19 at 2/5. The only analogy I could use for 2/5 is that, I still think of poker as a videogame. And every stake level is equivalent to a level in a video game. I have transitioned to 5/10 in the past year and I do not have the same joy when I play 2/5 again because I have been to that level and I have beat it.

    After thinking about it, I feel the money at 2/5 doesn't mean as much to me now after moving to 5/10. I feel I play a much more focused game at 5/10. My current bankroll supports for me to play the 5/10 game, I have a cashier deposit at the casino and have a separate roll for the casino.
  • I do NOT want to be negative about this as I know you are not just "another" kid taking a shot but the above post concerns me. Even playing 2/5 I'm not sure you have the bankroll to avoid the consequences of a bad run. 100 buyins for a even a semi pro would be normal. Do you have >$50K in your poker bankroll?
    5/10 would require 100K wouldn't it? Now if you can replace that money in other ways, ie family money, independently wealthy, etc then ok. The floor is littered with carcasses of poker pros who said those rules are only for losing players.

    Please don't take this post as being negative as that is not the purpose but please take a conservative approach and give yourself the best chance to succeed.
    ram_siva1 wrote: »
    I still think of poker as a videogame. And every stake level is equivalent to a level in a video game. I have transitioned to 5/10 in the past year and I do not have the same joy when I play 2/5 again because I have been to that level and I have beat it.
    A video game is enjoyable because it gives you a "rush", that should not be the reason you play poker. A pro should be playing to make money, not get a rush. Play every hand to give yourself the best chance to come out ahead, not for the rush.
  • Haters gonna hate ram

    Just play ur game and do ur thing, don't let these old guys bring u down

    I'm playing for a living out here in BC after moving here from Ontario and it's been going real well playing live cash. I got lots of heat for it, but I think I'm doing a good job proving they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Let's grab beers when u are here next week, I'll be around. I know who u are lol.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Haters gonna hate ram

    Just play ur game and do ur thing, don't let these old guys bring u down

    I'm playing for a living out here in BC after moving here from Ontario and it's been going real well playing live cash. I got lots of heat for it, but I think I'm doing a good job proving they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Let's grab beers when u are here next week, I'll be around. I know who u are lol.


    You know I didn't want to have to put you on ignore, but I have played with Ram many times and am geuinely interested in seeing how this turns out...but without you cluttering up this thread with your "look at me" crap.

    Gl Ram and keep up the good thread.

    You know I didn't want to have to put you on ignore, but I have played with Ram many times and am geuinely interested in seeing how this turns out...but without you cluttering up this thread with your "look at me" crap.

    Gl Ram and keep up the good thread.

  • Well, the Mole quoted you so I can see it too, unfortunately. Who exactly is "hating" on Ram. He has asked for feedback based on the information he has provided, and is getting it from the Forum. Not all feedback will be positive, though, but a mature person will recognize the difference between critique and criticism. That you automatically perceive that as "hating" speaks volumes.

    Like others, I am interested to see where this leads. good luck, Ram, and keep posting. ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Do you have >$50K in your poker bankroll?
    5/10 would require 100K wouldn't it?

    Hey compuease, I absolutely understand where you're coming from for the 100buyin rule, but you do not need 100 buyins for live. 20 buyins is more than enough to be playing live at any stakes where you feel like you have a considerable edge. When I play 2/5, I have never been on a downswing larger than 6 buyins, not saying that you can't be on a higher downswing. The 100 buyin rule is a rule of thumb and was used for online cash games a couple years ago, but now it has become 300 buyins because the games are tougher causing for higher variance.

    I'm not crazy and taking shots as I've spoken to players who have my style in online games. Where the most extreme cash swing was of 10 buyins, I know I dont have a huge sample, but I think I've spoken to enough people that are really good that my above conclusion is correct.

    Live games have not really changed at all since I started playing 2.5yrs ago. So no need to have such a large bankroll. It also depends on how good of a cash game player you are, better you are the less buyins you would need.

    ... About to start my SUNDAY GRIND!!! POST GRAPHS AT THE END. Hopefully I can run deep in a big one.
  • ram_siva1 wrote: »
    Hey compuease, I absolutely understand where you're coming from for the 100buyin rule, but you do not need 100 buyins for live. 20 buyins is more than enough to be playing live at any stakes where you feel like you have a considerable edge. When I play 2/5, I have never been on a downswing larger than 6 buyins, not saying that you can't be on a higher downswing. The 100 buyin rule is a rule of thumb and was used for online cash games a couple years ago, but now it has become 300 buyins because the games are tougher causing for higher variance.

    I'm not crazy and taking shots as I've spoken to players who have my style in online games. Where the most extreme cash swing was of 10 buyins, I know I dont have a huge sample, but I think I've spoken to enough people that are really good that my above conclusion is correct.

    Live games have not really changed at all since I started playing 2.5yrs ago. So no need to have such a large bankroll. It also depends on how good of a cash game player you are, better you are the less buyins you would need.

    ... About to start my SUNDAY GRIND!!! POST GRAPHS AT THE END. Hopefully I can run deep in a big one.

    Ignore our resident "pro" Ram, he knows not of what he speaks.. We have played at the same tournament table a few times as well Ram and I like your style. You are respectful, fun and great to play with. I in no way (despites costanzas claims) am trying to "bring you down", just cautioning you to plan it out and stick to the plan.. Don't fall into the trap of "costanzing" your way around... He claims he is doing just great but because of his admitted tilt issues I have my doubts...
  • Ram, you have only played 550 hours of 2/5 -- that's less than 2 months of full-time play. It took me 2 years to have a bad downswing of around 8k. I suggest you read some posts on 2p2 regarding variance of live poker of you want to have this as your only source of income long-term. I would say that 40bi is reasonable for soft live games if you are dropping down at appropriate times.
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