Time of Day: Online and B&M

I am gnerally unable to do much play on the weekends both online and in B&M settings because my work is primarily retail which means the weekends are key days. I was wondering if you think the anecodotal view that more gamblers come out on the weekend is true, and if so am i costing myself from a poker (not life) standpoint by not being able to play much on the weekend, or do you simple find m-f are about the same as the weekend when it coms to online players.

along the same lines, time of day considerations ... day time is full of grinders, evenings the gamblers ... you've have such a depth of of online experience, do you find these date and time issues to exist.


  • Funny, I work 9-5 mf and will play online and in the casinos from 7pm onwards. I did notice I win more money from 7pm on the weeknights than I do at like 12am midnight. Perhaps I am more tired and make worse decisions.

    I also noticed that I make more money in the casino's than I do online. Casino action I do far better in the evening than I do during the day.

    Perhaps its all coincedence.
  • I would say in terms of Internet play, there isnt much varrience. In the larger tournys I play in for lower limits, I can play at 9pm on a Fri, 2pm on a wed, 12 noon on sat, and all of the tournies are filled the same 600+ or whatever. With the Internet for S&G's and B&M, again i dont find any varrience in time or day of the week, correlated to winning or profit.

    For the casinos, I am certainly not as well versed as the Internet. The few times that Ive been to Brantford, it was during the day, and the line was huge even then. I played from 2pm - 8pm all times and saw many of the same people there throughout the days. At night time, around maybe 6pm, some fresh faces come in, and a lot of younger guys too. Some of these guys dont know how to play as well, and some are very good. I went during the week days, and found it to be pretty packed even then. I can only imagine you will find more people on weekends, but perhaps also not so many of the regulars, and therefore a slight advantage to make some nice profit.

    Just my 2 cents. :spade:
  • I have given this some thought over the years.

    I think there is definately some difference in traditional poker rooms. Weekends and late nights definately produce more loose play (booze and new players being the two major factors).

    Online, I think there is a little bit of difference. There are noticeably moew players on weekend evenings. But, I do not think the effect is as pronounced online.

    And, what matters much more than a broad statement concernin the overall trend, is the specific makeup of your table as the moment. So, looser/drunker play will result in more desirable tables on weekend evenings, but you have to be at such a table to enjoy the benefit.
  • i personally find the best time to go to the b&m is at 5:30am on sat and sun and mop up the player that have been there since 6pm last night.
    i know thats not the time most people would prefer to play
    but im up at that time anyway.
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