Poor Me - I suck at poker

Struggling with poker for the past 3-4 weeks. Started off as a bit of a funk and I have tried playing my way out of it but Im getting more desperate and impatient. Appalling streak online between bad plays and bad beats its been all down hill. I don't think I have won a single hand in the home game in two weeks and its really starting to fucking suck.

So my advice to myself is breath and play super tight for a bit. stop making plays stop speculating. Top 10 hands in position only.

But thats no fun..

wondering what you all do to get out of a rut ? anything help ? what do you read ?


  • yavvy wrote: »
    Struggling with poker for the past 3-4 weeks. Started off as a bit of a funk and I have tried playing my way out of it but Im getting more desperate and impatient. Appalling streak online between bad plays and bad beats its been all down hill. I don't think I have won a single hand in the home game in two weeks and its really starting to fucking suck.

    So my advice to myself is breath and play super tight for a bit. stop making plays stop speculating. Top 10 hands in position only.

    But thats no fun..

    wondering what you all do to get out of a rut ? anything help ? what do you read ?

    Comic books, favourite novels, anything that will right my brain. Then I read poker stuff, either on the forum or good books (of which I think I have none aside from Super System).
  • Playing the forum tourney will be a good test . . . maybe even of your poker skills.
  • bored.. nothing better to do but no doubt I will suck
  • Last longer bet for $2.00?
  • lol ... no. Really Im not betting on myself right now. whats your PS handle ?
  • I'm on your left.
  • you could move to BC
  • heyzues christi GTA.

    get aces, hit set. easy game :) study more instead of playing? hit up the PS school, hit Negraneau's poker VT for free for 3 days. up ya game as "they" say.

    And don't let it get to you. this isn't your livelihood so don't sweat the small stuff
  • what, I thought the pretty scenery would help relax him and get him back on track

  • Nova Scotia is pretty pretty
  • impatience is a horrible thing to bring to the table. stay focused and relaxed. do you multitable? if yes, i suggest lowering the amount of tables to help your focus just for the time being. remember that every hand is important in some way even if you aren't in it. also, it doesn't hurt to step away from the game for a few days and come back refreshed. i've played some of my best poker after taking a little time off and returning with renewed vigor.
  • yavvy wrote: »
    wondering what you all do to get out of a rut ?

    I'll let you know once I get out of mine.
  • yavvy wrote: »
    Top 10 hands in position only.

    don't think this will help you in your home game.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    don't think this will help you in your home game.

    probably won't help in any game. can't be afraid to play hands.
  • Definitely take a break. Do something you enjoy, get lots of rest, watch a couple of movies and always be studying.

    That will help you come back to the game in a relaxed and refreshed state of mind but remember not to think of the past. Think of the now and remember all streaks end on the next hand.

    Hope that helps.
  • ok so update on my sucking at poker

    Went to poker on Friday night... I fucking stunk the place up with my bad play.
    Im taking a break from poker in real life for a few weeks while I have a good chat with myself. Risky move as I'm second place in the tournament standings and I would like to win that but at this rate I wont win anything.

    Doesnt matter how much I know, how much I pay attention to possible tells and how much I tell myself to calm down - I find myself pushing with the stupidest hands. On top of that I have extended periods where Im not even thinking - just auto pilot shit - and thats predictable . But the icing on the cake was when I pushed all in cause I thought I had a straight when I didnt. WTF mate ?

    Now don't get my wrong - this isn't a big deal in my life. I love playing poker and I love to be competitive and win but its just home game poker. You guys know how it is.. Im not really taking this more seriously than I should.

    So its indoor soccer, on-line chess and a little poker stars for me. I had an upturn on PS yesterday and made like $30 on zoom - so yay !

    going to read some poker books I downloaded and watch some WSOP and other stuff too.

    sucking sucks.
  • Do you drink, or smoke weed while you play? If so then I suggest you play sober.
    Also patience is a big thing in poker. If you don't have good patience then you won't do well.
    Good luck the rest of the way!

  • I dont smoke weed but I do have a couple of beers - tiredness a bigger factor tho imo. I always play too long.
  • yavvy wrote: »
    I always play too long.

    I try to limit my sessions to 4-5 hrs tops; not unless its a really juicy table. Biggest leak in a lot of players is playing way too many hands pre-flop. I see guys play 80% of their hands, week after week. Pure calling stations.
  • yeah after a long week in work, then playing poker ... by midnight I think there is a marked drop in the quality of my game. But so hard to stop playing !! and also its just a bunch of guys playing cards I dont want to seem like some cash grabbing tight ass either :) - Need to work on my late game play for sure
  • up another $30 on PS tonight. Cant explain why its going ok on line and not in RL. Perhaps PS suits mongos who cant play poker ??
  • yavvy wrote: »
    up another $30 on PS tonight. Cant explain why its going ok on line and not in RL. Perhaps PS suits mongos who cant play poker ??

    Just wait until you withdraw... Then see how you run.. >:D
  • I think its nice that you think I will have some money to cash out :)
  • Take some time off-It works for me -Your luck may change or you may still be in a funk when you restart.
  • Skimmed this thread and didn't see the answer..

    Read this

    Mental game of Poker

    The Mental Game of Poker: Proven Strategies for Improving Tilt Control,Confidence,Motivation,Coping with Variance,and More.: Jared Tendler,Barry Carter: 9780615436135: Amazon.com: Books

    I've read it and trust me it helps, give you a totally different outlook on poker, the read itself is easy, however putting it into concept and remembering what you are reading is the hard part..

  • **Update **
    I still suck at poker :)

    So I went out last night mainly because I have been running good online and wanted to see if I could apply it RL. so I played a little tighter than usual and focused on being thoughtful and cognitive of what was happening .. worked well - I was getting the most appalling cards but managed to maximise what I had and even pull off a few bluffs. I was @$50 for a $30 buy-in - Then about 4 hours in I caught trip queens and walked into a Full house ... The player was loose and had been representing all night so i felt good about pushing all in on the turn card. He had AQ and caught the FH on the river. Even if he didn't i was out kicked. but in general my play was much improved. happier, sometimes the loose player gets cards and you walk into a monster.

    I still left with nothing so sucking continues.

    I'm still planning to take a break for a few weeks.
  • yavvy wrote: »
    **Update **
    I still suck at poker :)

    So I went out last night mainly because I have been running good online and wanted to see if I could apply it RL. so I played a little tighter than usual and focused on being thoughtful and cognitive of what was happening .. worked well - I was getting the most appalling cards but managed to maximise what I had and even pull off a few bluffs. I was @$50 for a $30 buy-in - Then about 4 hours in I caught trip queens and walked into a Full house ... The player was loose and had been representing all night so i felt good about pushing all in on the turn card. He had AQ and caught the FH on the river. Even if he didn't i was out kicked. but in general my play was much improved. happier, sometimes the loose player gets cards and you walk into a monster.

    I still left with nothing so sucking continues.

    I'm still planning to take a break for a few weeks.

    You should post the actual hand details it may help you improve
  • If I remember correctly

    Cash game 10/20c blinds
    I was on the button
    Villan was UTG1

    Hero is Delt Qs9s
    UTG1 Villan raises to $1 (his standard raise with absolutely nothing)
    UTG2 fold
    Call $1 (super loose fish)
    Hero Raises to $4
    SB Fold
    Villan calls
    player 2 calls

    Flop is QhQd7h (maybe dont remember what the 3rd card was)
    Villan bets $3
    Player 2 folds
    Hero raises to $10
    Villan calls $7

    turn is 10d
    Villan bets $10
    Hero raises to $20
    Villan calls $10

    River is As
    Villan check
    Hero is all in for about $24
    Villan calls

    Villan has AQ off - an unusually good hand for this guy.

    - well wadda ya think ?
  • Why are you raising 20x BB with Q9s preflop ?
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