Online Poker Site Switch...Waddda Ya' Think

I decided about a week an half ago that I was going to play on PokerStars...
but I'am only playing .50/$1 with around a $490us bankroll...I notice that PartyPoker is giving 20% first deposit bonus...which would bring my bankroll to roughly $588.

I was wondering if anyone in my position would consider switching, I have no negative complaints about Pokerstars except this evening they were laggy for the first time ever, couldnt believe that...but anyhow,

I know party has a reputation for being crazy at the .50/$1 limits...but is their any reason not to make the move and take advantage of the bonus?

Anyway, I find Pstars players bad enough at this level but whatever, I am sure the game is beatable as well....

Much thanks



  • Do all the bonus whoring you can get your hands on. Your bankroll will thank you. It's the easiest money you'll ever make.
  • If you decide to go to party -- send me a PM for a rake back method. I love party much more than stars for ring games -- but i requires a thick skin for the bad beats.

  • BBC Z wrote:
    Do all the bonus whoring you can get your hands on. Your bankroll will thank you. It's the easiest money you'll ever make.

    BBC Z is entirely right

    check out this link :

    If youre playing lower limit holdem and arnt whoring, youre missing a giant oppourtunity
    (you could easily double your bankroll in a month)
  • When PartyPoker says "your bonus will be realeased into your real money account after you completed 5x the bonus amount in raked hands", does this take like 8 months to do? or is it just like 500raked hands of whatever? even if your just sitting at the table playing but not nessacarily dragging down 500 pots?

    any help clairifing this would be appreciated....

  • It means you must be dealt into a hand in which a rake was charged. You do not need to actually play the hand. So if your bonus is $100 (5x = 500 raked hands) This may take you 750 or so hands to clear at .5/1 as not all hands get raked.
    They release it immediately. Go to the Cashier and check your bonus status as you play and you will see the number go up as you are playing.
  • I've found that the quickest way to clear the bonus is by playing 1/2... The pot is raked at $5, which is virtually every hand at that limit. The players are still pretty bad at this limit.

    2/4 pots get raked at $20. .5/1 at $5 as well, but they don't always get to $5, though if you're at a loose table many of them will. old-stone-face's estimate of 750 hands for 500 raked seems about right for .5/1.

    And as OSF said, you don't need to drag the pot, just need to be dealt into the hand and it will count for you as soon as it is raked.
  • I agree with Hork, at party, if im clearing bonuses, im playing 2-3 tables of 1-2 limit, just cuz its pretty easy to get your raked hands done, and theres usually 2-3 people to the turn.....just play tight and itll go fast :)
  • Actually the fastest way on party and skins is to play nl/pl. A 10cent rake is still considered a raked hand. The pot only has to get to $2 for a rake.

    and P-hound, like everybody has suggested, definately whore the party monthly reloads, easy bling.
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