Schweet, won a sat into WSOP

Nothing huge, but I won a seat to any of the $365 entries at the WSOP at the river rock. 59 entrants in the tourny, top 2 won seats, when it got to heads up we both just shoved every time so I came 2nd.

Pretty cool stuff since I'm a very low limit player, and don't play much IRL. gonna be fun as I'm sure I'll last a whole 10 minutes :D


  • Nothing huge, but I won a seat to any of the $365 entries at the WSOP at the river rock. 59 entrants in the tourny, top 2 won seats, when it got to heads up we both just shoved every time so I came 2nd.

    Pretty cool stuff since I'm a very low limit player, and don't play much IRL. gonna be fun as I'm sure I'll last a whole 10 minutes :D
    If you go into the tourney and do your best, you never know what could happen. GL to you sir.:)
  • event 1 is sold out i hear.. was thinking about playing it
  • thanks guys. i hope the first event isn't totally sold out, that's the one I was hoping to enter. maybe they set aside a few seats for the online satellite winners?
  • Congrats and good luck.
  • Pretty cool stuff since I'm a very low limit player, and don't play much IRL. gonna be fun as I'm sure I'll last a whole 10 minutes :D

    Just fold for the first level . . . that ought to take longer than 10 minutes and bust at least 6 donkeys.
  • doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.. I'll probably be to scared to do anything except fold for the first half an hour
  • Don't play too scared though! Treat it as a freeroll and loosen up a bit more than you would if you bought in for that money. If you play too tight you will get attacked, it's only $365 so don't think everyone's a pro, still a lot of horrible players! Always keep in mind that it only cost you $16.
  • Play tight for the entire first level . . . AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK, AQ . . . and that is it. Anyone who is observant will label you a nit, anyone who isn't, will give you their chips. Either way, it's good for the image. Second level you can loosen up and play "your game". Unless, of course, your game resembles mine, in whioch case you should book a seat in the resto for sometime in level four. Good luck, but above all, HAVE FUN.
  • thanks for the advice guys. i'll try to stick to my game and not let my nerves get to me. maybe i'll take some muscle relaxants just before the game ^-^
  • This a playnow satty?
  • i noticed on the schedule that the "duration" for the first event is 2. does that mean it's a two day event?

    *nvm, found my answer: so yes, it's a 2 day event.
  • Nice one Tony, I was playing for a 365 seat last table..and got disconnected from the server..couldn't reconnect..and yeah, tried all the, etc..

    While their satellite schedule is you can't carry seats to another day when you can actually play, it HAS to be played on the following Sunday.. the play is pretty horrible and it's not that tough a game.

    Guess we will see how they respond to my pissed off emails and messages...

    Playing the ME sat. this sunday as I played a micro sat yesterday as well..

    Hope to see you down there Tony! Did you get booked into Event 1?
  • thanks Dennis, it was nice to get the win. that sucks about getting disconnected, i'm really not a big fan of the playnow layout /software. hopefully they reimburse you somehow, and not just your entry fee to the sat.

    i would love to play the ME, but i can't get the time off work, already used up all of my holidays, plus it's out of my bank roll. though i would have played some sat's if i was able to play. hopefully i bump into you sometime. i did get booked into event 1.
  • GL when is this?
  • event 1 is saturday, october 27
  • post updates...or a twitter account
  • blew off the dust on my twitter account, @chanmanpoker

    i'll try to remember to tweet during the event.
  • I am hoping to come in Saturday afternoon Tony, I will hit you up on your twitter account and do some railing :)

    I am hoping to sat into the ME as well, but I have some poker funds sitting in a jar that probably need to be spent House renos are so undeserving of such funds...

    That being said, my trip does hinge upon the arrival of the new kidlet...these things always go according to plan right?
  • cool, i'll actually have 1 person on the rail for me heh

    hopefully everything works out with the newcomer on the way. an early congrats on another rugrat
  • quick trip report on my first WSOP event.

    410 entrants, i busted out about 3 hours in, around the 355 player mark.

    I was told by a friend who plays a lot of events that i had a very tough table, among them was a former bracelet winner, an older asian guy.

    an hour in and i hadn't played a single hand or even tried to call. i wake up with AA on the button, raise is 3.5x and i get called by the BB who is half stacked and has spewed chips to everyone with draws and 2nd and 3rd pairs. flop comes Qc8c5d, he checks, i bet 400, he raises to 1.5k, i 3 bet to 3k and he shoves for just under 5k. I call and he shows me his set of 5's. i'm not sure if i could have gotten away from the hand.

    after doubling him up to over starting stack, he's out within the next hour with terrible play.

    after that, i win a pot with AQo, i raise pre and get 2 callers, i cbet on the flop and they both fold. that was my only pot of the day.

    after spewing some chips around from playing passive and checking too much, i'm down to 2.1k just before the first break. the last hand before the break I have 88, i limp at UTG+1, the bracelet winner raises 3x, i tank and fold later on regretting the move.

    after the break, i'm starting to get blinded out with 10bb left. I get AcQs MP, an asian girl who has been very TAG raises 3x, and i shove. folds around and she insta calls, shows AsQc. Flop comes 2 clubs and a spade, turn is another club, river is red. i almost double up but miss and we chop. two hands later i find J10cc, i push with 1.8k and am called by the guy on my left with QK off. before we show he says "i think you're ahead but..." board wiffs us both and i take the walk of shame.

    overall great experience, i def played scared unfortunately and next time i think i would play more of my normal game, but just a bit tighter. i was afraid to cbet after raising preflop once i was short stacked and afraid to shove to try to get a fold. not very good play on my part, but oh well. there's always next time.
  • Nice report.. Playing your first big event (I assume this was) is always a somewhat intimidating affair. Next time will go much better Tony..
  • Sorry I didn't get here in time to see ya Tony. If you are around here today, track me down via twitter.
  • yeah it was my first big event.

    yeah i was looking forward to meeting you, but i think me going busto is more to blame than you come later in the day :(

    sorry but i won't be around the rock today, it's quite a drive away, but i'll be cheering you on
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