A request to Pokerstars in particular...

Dear Pokerstars;

All online-exclusive poker players have been without any sort of play-by-play commentary that are accustomed to watching during a game of poker.

The implementation of a computer-generated, action discussing voice, not unlike Norman Chad, would be beneficial to any player wishing to enjoy his poker session to the fullest.

How long is expected, to be waiting for a feature such as this?

I look forward to Norman Chad commentating my play on the tables!



  • DasCoupe wrote: »
    Dear Pokerstars;

    All online-exclusive poker players have been without any sort of play-by-play commentary that are accustomed to watching during a game of poker.

    The implementation of a computer-generated, action discussing voice, not unlike Norman Chad, would be beneficial to any player wishing to enjoy his poker session to the fullest.

    How long is expected, to be waiting for a feature such as this?

    I look forward to Norman Chad commentating my play on the tables!


    If you skype your session I will provide a running commentary...you do realize that live sessions do not have running commentary, no?
  • Hey, GTA, he's a kid with a dream . . . and lousy taste in sports shirts.
  • Pretty sure some of the wcoops have had live commentary on quadjacks.
  • Man was I drunk & stoned last night.... can't believe my letter to Pokerstars was that coherent :) LOL
  • actyper wrote: »
    Pretty sure some of the wcoops have had live commentary on quadjacks.

    Yup. And this idea is only gonna grow
  • actyper wrote: »
    Pretty sure some of the wcoops have had live commentary on quadjacks.

    Tried to embed a video here of the 10K high rollers, was unable to. Not sure posting a link is ok, am I missing the vBulletin youtube embed button or something?
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