Thought id seen it all a SICK HH

Doesnt make sense except that its from party poker.
Its POT LIMIT holdem sit and go.
for the conspiracy theorists I JUST CASHED OUT, this is first tourney since. lollllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllllol
thanks to such fish i mean

Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: trackfast (1320)
Seat 2: ACER_ (715)
Seat 3: pazzo1969 (605)
Seat 4: Bubba_REF (580)
Seat 5: rowps (925)
Seat 6: thatsafact (685)
Seat 7: lopneeb (820)
Seat 8: mheini31 (975)
Seat 9: ABOGODO (590)
Seat 10: VTrain2007 (785)
mheini31 posts small blind (10)
ABOGODO posts big blind (15)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to thatsafact [ Js, Jc ]
VTrain2007 calls (15)
trackfast folds.
ACER_ calls (15)
pazzo1969 calls (15)
Bubba_REF folds.
rowps calls (15)
thatsafact raises (115) to 115
lopneeb folds.
mheini31 folds.
ABOGODO folds.
VTrain2007 folds.
ACER_ folds.
pazzo1969 folds.
rowps calls (100)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 3d, 5c ]
rowps checks.
thatsafact bets (150)
rowps calls (150)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
rowps checks.
thatsafact bets (420)
thatsafact is all-In.
rowps calls (420)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Creating Main Pot with $1440 with thatsafact
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1440 |
Board: [ 3s 3d 5c 9h 3h ]
trackfast balance 1320, didn't bet (folded)
ACER_ balance 700, lost 15 (folded)
pazzo1969 balance 590, lost 15 (folded)
Bubba_REF balance 580, didn't bet (folded)
rowps balance 1680, bet 685, collected 1440, net +755 [ 3c 2c ] [ four of a kind, threes -- 9h,3c,3s,3d,3h ]
thatsafact balance 0, lost 685 [ Js Jc ] [ a full house, Threes full of jacks -- Js,Jc,3s,3d,3h ]


  • Well, come on, man! They were sooooted. :wink:

    And I thought stars was rigged...
  • i will make one obvious point, forget that he called you with 23s ... once he calls your flop bet, what did you think he had.

    Did you think he had a draw (only draw on the board is a straight (A2, A4, 46, 67) ...If you thought he had a straight draw, which involved baby cards, wasn't the '3' also a possibility. or did you think he had overcards or maybe some other small pocket pair.

    I ask because it seems like the only bets that could call you on the turn, are ones that had you in bad shape. What do i know the guy could have had A5, and figured he had you outkicked :)
  • u are right chugs, but keep in mind it is a PARTY POKER 22$ sit and go. He could have anything. I thought he was just some donk fishing for overcards, as most fish on party like to check and call with anything, and usually get aggresive with stuff when they hit. The flop CR seems to be the all time donk i hit move on that site, which he didnt do.
    I think this is because u start with only 800 chips so many fish just go aggro when hitting for various reasons.

    I mean he obviously outplayed me on this hand, but i think in the long run my betting is good. When one person limp/ calls the max raise like that preflop he either has AA (2percent of the time) or NOTHING worth writing home about, such as this case. I didnt put him on the three... If it was a 20k sit and go, i obviously would proceed with more caution, but all the same

    THATS POKER. Its thanks to these fish that im able to cash out :)

  • i will make one obvious point, forget that he called you with 23s ... once he calls your flop bet, what did you think he had.

    I'd put the opponent on something beaten by pocket Jacks myself.

  • harthgosh wrote:

    And now I really would. :)

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