A first for me ...

The dangers of online poker ... oh my.

With seconds to spare I jumped into a MTT on vcpoker last night. The game I play starts at 12:14 am and last night I was able to join 307 other people. Being a 5 action point tourney with a prize pool of 5 dollars (I know, big bucks, no whammies) you know that there is gonna be some amazing plays of skill ... err, I mean, not many amazing plays. The "all-in" button gets used plenty.

After about 45 mins or so I found myself at 2500 chips (up from being chipped down to 1600 or so). Well, the next thing I remember is waking up. I know I had zonked out for at least 15 mins (that's how long it takes for my screen saver to kick in). I moved the mouse and my monitor came alive. I logged back in and found that on a previous hand I had won 1100 ... WOOT! I unchecked the "away from table" (well, I guess they don't have a "fell asleep" button to deselect) and started to play with my 1650 in chips.

A couple hands later (I was utg) I found myself with AJs. I figured this was as good a hand as any to go out with because I was, well, tired. I pushed all in. Everyone folded and the BB calls. My AJs was now up against AA. uh oh (but I was ok with it anyway) Flop: X spade X. hmm ... Turn: spade ... flop: spade. WOOT! (yes, I was lucky, I tipped the dealer)

I was then able to turn that into 27,000 in chips and soon found myself at one of the last two tables. The table I was at had the majority of chip leaders and I found it hard to find 2 cards to commit to pre-flop. I was up against stacks of 60 - 80k and they were eager to push all-in.

I finished 12th and felt a little rested too. hehe


  • I logged back in and found that on a previous hand I had won 1100 ...

    Am I missing someting? You would have to hit the left button on the mouse and inadvertently raise the pot while looking for a more comfortable position during your snooze.

    zzzzzzzz......elbow hits mouse...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......RAISE.........zzzzzzz..... Skittle wins pot.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Wakes up...

  • No ... I think what happened is that I was BB and everyone kept checking. I guess they let it go to the river and whatever cards I had held.


    (it confused me for a few mins also ... I had to look at the game chat info a couple of times to make sure what I was reading was correct).

    I may try this ploy at Rob's place next time. Build up a few extra chip, take a nap then play feeling refreshed!

  • I don't find it at all surprising. I once decided to click AFK for the whole tournament just to see how I'd do. I came back to discover that my chipstack had grew!? I watched for a bit and noticed that whenever I had the BB, the SB would call pre-flop, then fold at some point during the hand. Weird.

    EDIT: Almost forgot to mention; I came in third without playing a single hand!
  • Ah, yes.....of course, the blinds. I must say I am intrigued by this whole sleeping for profit thing though. :)
  • Looks like I'm going to have to subscribe to the SkittlePoker rules of good tournament poker. Late last night, I jumped on a $5 prize pool, 147 player MTT, just cause I had a couple Action Points to burn. After playing for about 10 minutes, I found that I employed the successful strategy of "going to sleep"

    After roughly 35 minutes, I woke up and found myseld down to about 1,700 chips. I double up a couple hands later and built my chip stack up to about 4,100. I then took another 10 minute nap and jumped back into the tournament rested and invigorated.

    I ended up placing 5th for the massive prize of a quarter, bringing my VC bankroll up to a massive $4.84!

    I figure the success comes because when you're sleeping and folding everything, no one can put you on a hand!
  • Zithal wrote:
    I figure the success comes because when you're sleeping and folding everything, no one can put you on a hand!
    Ya, they think you are a 'rock' but in reality you are a 'sleep'. (Read it quickly, you'll figure it out)
  • Actually i've done that fall asleep thing also in a SNG, i was playing on my laptop lying on my stomach and just dozzed off. When i woke up we were down to 4 handed and i wasn't even the short stack.

    Went on to get second in that tourney. Guess after not playing a single hand for the last 10-15 minutes , my constant all-ins were getting some respect.
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