Keep Playing Thru a Bad Swing?

Im just wondering what people do or think would be a better thing to do during a bad swing. I myself am starting to think if your having a really bad day and catching some horrible beats, is to keep on playing and plugging away at it, tough it out, and be more and more disciplined and try to not get rattled. This topic came to mind today as Ive had a not so great day but decided to keep playing through it to see if I could change the tide by some solid play.

Any thoughts on playing through a swing, ive talked to people who like to just stop and relax and put it on the back burner for a little bit after taking a bad swing, which also crossed my mind and isnt being ruled out at yet lol...

Any thoughts


  • I find if i usually sit at a table and lose my initial buyin, i like to get off the comp so i dont lose more....ill go watch tv , a dvd, or play some GTA:San Andreas to blow off some steam. ill go back at it 1-2hrs later after im not even thinking about poker.

    I've been playin on Absolute Poker recently (to get some free kems, 2 decks) and i find so many people do small buys at tables, ie, people at a shorthanded 2-4 game, buying in for $20-$40 only.....i can clean em up in one or two hands, and had a profitable $250 in about 2 hrs last thats what im going to stick with for the little bit, shorthanded games when people are only 'short buying' (i think thats the term) and try and wipe those games clean :p
  • I agree with the previous post. Don't let it get you off your game, and if it does, stop playing for a bit. I usually won't rebuy if having a bad run of cards, and I won't come back if I'm still frustrated. Eventually the cards will get better, and you'll get it all back. Minimize your losses during the bad, and maximize gains when it's going well. I just had a string of bad sessions, but then had a good session yesterday, and won it all back. Plus some. :tongue:

    Pigga wrote:
    I've been playin on Absolute Poker recently (to get some free kems, 2 decks)
    As an aside, where do you get this deal from on Absolute? I've got a ton of their stupid ARP's, but all you can do with them is go in their lame ARP freerolls. I'd much rather get some swag like you can on Stars.
  • I usually won't rebuy if having a bad run of cards
    Minimize your losses during the bad,

    Instead of doing that, just ask yourself two questions. 1) Is the game good? and 2) Are you really just losing because of bad cards?. Don't leave good tables but leave the bad ones. Walking away from a profitable table just because you got beat 10 hands in a row is not a +EV move.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Don't leave good tables but leave the bad ones.

    In particular, a table at which you have been
    Anton81 wrote:
    catching some horrible beats

    is more likely to be a good table than a bad one.

  • Paul: i signed up using 's link and played the required 100 raked hands and filled out the form on their site..... its not officially thru AP, my cards were sent on friday so i dont know when to expect them.
  • What I advise people that say they are suffering some really bad beats is to send me five dollars. What happens is the person realizes that when they are playing cards they at least have a chance to not only keep their five dollars but they could make more.

    How can I offer this for such a low denomination you ask? Well, I want to help a lot of people. Keeping it to five dollars has appeal to a broader range of players. I'm here to help.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Instead of doing that, just ask yourself two questions. 1) Is the game good? and 2) Are you really just losing because of bad cards?. Don't leave good tables but leave the bad ones. Walking away from a profitable table just because you got beat 10 hands in a row is not a +EV move.

    Well, BBC I did just that. A certain fellow was getting unbelievably rewarded wth his absent minded play and was hitting amazing boards. I calmed down, i stuck it thru and made back almost evertything i had dropped. Not to mention I marked this players name in LARGE black felt of my list of players to *cough cough* umm...see how theyre doing. Of course it did come with a little bit of backpain as i pulled a 15 hour marathon and finished up at approx 4 am pacific time.
    Nevertheless I thought it was a good experience, and know that i can stick when the worst hits.
  • I've posted this in my "what if" thread, but thought I'd mention it here.

    When running throug a bad spell of cards, I find that it exposes some of my weaknesses. So, even if I take the bad beats into account, I should be making money at the table, if I hadn't overplayed a hand, or underplayed a hand. My advice is to review the session and see if you could have made improvements so you would have only required a 6 hour session.

  • When running throug a bad spell of cards, I find that it exposes some of my weaknesses. So, even if I take the bad beats into account, I should be making money at the table, if I hadn't overplayed a hand, or underplayed a hand. My advice is to review the session and see if you could have made improvements so you would have only required a 6 hour session.

    You are too damn results oriented.

    You don't win every session and there aren't always holes when you lose.

    And did I read this wrong or do you seriously propose a win-stop strategy at a poker table?
  • I had this yesterday at fallsview. First session in 11 that I've lost. I would sit 4 orbits without voluntarily playing a hand. And the hands I did hit would be beat slightly. For instance I hit my full house, only to beat by another full house. I flop a flush and lose to runner runner full house. It just seemed like I'd get a run of cards no better than 82o then hit a hand only to lose! I rebought once and in a 5 hour session pulled maybe 4 pots.
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