Online Accounts

Can you set up a real money account without a credit card?


  • Check out Neteller for various ways of depositing (Instacash, EFT's)

    theres also Firepay but im not familiar with that myself

    Neteller seems the be the popular choice for online players
  • One way is Neteller, which can be linked to a Canadian chequing account.

    Many individual online poker sites also offer deposit methods other than credit card (Western Union, Wire transfers, etc.) Check with the individual site(s) you are interested in for details.

  • Neteller works very well. Stay away from Netteller's Instant Deposit thing or whatever its called though. They take a cool 8.6% admin fee on those. Use the Electronic Funds Transfer EFT (directly from your bank account) and it's free and should only take 2-4 days to clear or something like that.
    Neteller uses very fine print for the little surprises. Question every click. Otherwise solid and they appear to take security very seriously. You have to jump through a few hoops when you set it up but for good reason. I give them kudos for that.
  • to avoid instacash fees, some sites will allow for direct instacash deposits - these sites will swallow the 9%fee
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