HUGE Tournament Win (for me, anyways)

I broke through pretty huge today. My friend convinced me to play in a $7,500 guarantee freezeout on Gaming Club ($25 buy-in). I didn't even have enough money in my account to play so I deposited the minimum allowed ($20) so that I could afford the buy-in about 2 minutes before registration closed. Then I won the damn thing for $2,062!!!!

That's a lot of money for me, considering I play mostly 0.5/1.00 online and $4/$8 in live games. I've certainly never won more than $1000 at one time playing poker. It's a pretty good feeling. However, I must admit that I have NEVER been so lucky throughout an entire tournament (perhaps this makes up for countless bad beats in other tournaments, but when there was about 6 people left I said to myself that I couldn't complain no matter where I finished.) I'll try to post a few key hands once I figure out the Gaming Club hand exporter. But two big suck-outs to report:

1. About 24 players left (top 30 paid, next increase at 20), I'm under the gun with Q9c and only have about 3XBB, I go all-in (only because Q9 suited in my favourite hand for some reason) -- two callers, AQ and JT. Flop is J9K. Both callers go all-in. Turn is a 2. River is a 9. I triple up.

2. About 18 players left. I have QJs in the BB. Two limpers. I check. Flop is QJ9. I go all-in for about 10XBB thinking, "The only hand I don't want to call me is KT." So a player with KT calls me (I had him barely covered), turn is a Q, I take it down.

Even the final hand I came from behind after we went all-in preflop (I may have overplayed the soooted ace here) -- A5s vs 99 (I flopped an ace).

I did make some decent plays, but like I said, I'll try to get those posted later if anyone is interested. I had one key play that I'd like to discuss but I'll wait for the exact details.



  • Great Job!! Congrats.
  • Wow!!! Instant Bankroll! :biggrin:

    Congratulations :smile:
  • very well done, congrats
  • Good for you. That is huge in anyone's books. Congrats.

    I'm curious. How long did the tourney last? How much of that time was once you were in the money?

    I'd like to see some of the hands and analysis.
  • Hey, great job. I feels good to cash well!
  • Nice!! I would be extremely happy with a win like that!

    I hit one like that a few weeks ago. I beat out 325 people for $2,400 US.

    My big tournament break was having pocket aces when 4, yes thats right, 4 people went all-in in front of me! I was the chip leader by a decent margin at the time and one of the guys all-in was in second. Needless to say I took that pot down and it was pretty much over by then. There was still about 100 people left and they were all playing for 2nd!

    It was pretty sweet.

    Caongrats. :biggrin:
  • Very nice win! I was hoping for one last night but it just didn't pan out. I was chipleader in the 20+2 rebuy on Stars last night with 50 to go and then my table broke up and I got moved and my cards went cold. Didn't have the cards to win and everytime I made a move someone else pushed all-in after me. Still banked some nice cash, but not as much as I was hoping.
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