was this a BAD laydown?

MTT freeroll Level 2 20/40 blinds
avg stack 1000 my stack 1740
SB stack 1200 CO stack 2000

i'm in the BB with QsJc...5 callers then to me
i make it 200 more...all folded except for CO and SB

flop goes 2cAsKc...SB bets 200...i re raise to 500...CO re raise it to 1000
SB calls...and i think for awhile and i Folded :frown:

CO flips over AhJd
SB flips over K7s

turn goes Tc { DAM...hit my Ace High straight
river goes 8c { DAM...King High Flush

CO wins with a pair of Aces



  • With 3 players in, you got yourself into a situation where you knew someone had you at the time, and you couldn't force yourself into calling out on the draw.
    Had you simply called it, you could have easily folded and lost a minimal ammount of chips.
    Either way, you needed a 10, or two runners for your flush, you got both, BUT, odds are you're gonna lose more often then not.
    Bad laydown, no ... Annoying turn/river... definitely :P
  • u shouldnt have reraised. just called and walked away if you missed on the turn depending on how they bet.
  • i agree with the others - good lay down, questionable re-raise
  • QJo isn't a very strong hand so you should see the flop cheaply (ie no raise). That isn't a very good flop for you so you should just get out...

  • i agree, good laydown
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