do NOT join Pokerschoolonline

Absolutely biggest waste of my time and money. And I am sorry to Amy C who really beleives in the school, no offence, but absolutely terrible. For 15 a month you get only written materials which are the equivalent to reading sklanksy or whoevers books. Hardly any ring games available to practice at. Any mentoring/ tutoring costs extra on top your 15 a month. I dont have a problem paying for mentoring but then whats my 15 a month going towards? Also, Its been said that its "play money real competiton"! yeah right, the idea is good, players are SUPPOSED to play like its real money but of course they dont. At the NL tables ppl go all in like im playing the free tables at Party all over again. no hand just tryin to catch and double up. I really was looking for a place to improve my game. But to be totaly honest this forum by comparison has done leaps and bounds beyond anything the poker school has to offer. The principles are good there, just isnt pulled off they way its supposed to be. People are supposed to help you analyze your play but they dont. All in all a HUGE disappointment. If you want a free poker school experience, continue posting here, buy a few books, play alot more, and spend the 15 a month on real money play.

P.S Anyone here willing to take me under their wing, and help me improve my limit/ no limit play? If so please PM.


  • I was a member of Poker School online several months ago for 3 months.

    I thought the written and audio articles where an unreal great value for the $45 bucks I spent; many good topics and authors, Mike Caro among them.

    After reading and listening to all of the articles on the site I saw no reason to continue with my membership, I never played at the poker school online poker room. I see no point in playing poker when money is not involved. If you are just learning and not comfortable risking much there are plenty of sites where micro-limits can be found.
  • the articles are not worth anything really. Can have it all for free is my point.
  • Check the demo on it looks pretty good.
  • 45 bucks is in the range you'd pay for a good book or two.

    I guess if the content is regularly updated and you can get extra value from a forum or 'Ask Dave' type of feature, it would be worth it. In other words, here! :biggrin:

    I thought they sponsored seats at major tourneys for those with good results in their in-house tourneys. That might add some value.

    I was considering giving it a shot at some point but maybe not now. I'm glad to have feedback on this place from a trusted source like this forum. Thanks guys!
  • I would gladly join any place where your actual play gets evaluated,by pros ,by the members i think any feedback is worthwhile.
    I would welcome and invite anyone interested in helping me by evaluating my play through MSN or even to just see someone elses thought process in the game to PM me
    i would gladly do the same for you.

    to me thats what a poker school online should be.
  • just buy super system and read this forum
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