My first Royal Flush (Question)

I hit my first royal today on this hand and I can't help but feel I played dumb. I know these are like a hole-in-one but I would like to know if I could of done anything differently.
I don't believe in playing tricky in .5/1 limit but I feel I could of extracted some more bets out of this.
This is my first hand and I have no read on anyone.

Preflop: o_s_f is BB with Kh, Ah.
1 fold, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls, 2 folds, Button calls, SB completes, o_s_f raises, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls, Button calls, SB calls.

Flop: (10 SB) Qh, 5d, Jh (5 players)
SB checks, o_s_f bets, UTG+1 raises, MP1 folds, Button calls, SB folds, o_s_f calls.

I'm still drawing so I only called his raise. Should I have been more aggressive here? My intitial feeling is no because I don't want to scare everyone out and my initial bet did what it set out to do, build the pot.

Turn: (8 BB) Th (3 players)
o_s_f checks, UTG+1 checks, Button checks.

I really thought UTG+1 would come out firing here and was looking to check raise and hopefully get another bet out of UTG+1 and the button. Should I of just fired away here with the royal?

River: (8 BB) 9c (3 players)
o_s_f bets, UTG+1 calls, Button calls.

Final Pot: 11 BB

Results below:
UTG+1 has Qc Js (two pair, queens and jacks).
Button doesn't show.
o_s_f has Kh Ah (straight flush, ace high).
Outcome: o_s_f wins 11 BB.


  • I'm still drawing so I only called his raise. Should I have been more aggressive here?

    Nope, you played it right.

    Turn: Should I of just fired away here with the royal?

    I wouldve bet and prayed someone just made a baby flush or a straight.

    other than that, nice hand... i'm still waiting for my first
  • the_main wrote:

    I wouldve bet and prayed someone just made a baby flush or a straight.

    Thanks the_main. Frustrating because I tell myself not to slow play monsters on that site but I went ahead and did it anyway. Players don't need all that much to start a raising war, but you have to give it a chance to start. :tongue:
  • I'm easily tempted to 3 bet that flop (if only for value). Against anything but trips or 2 pair, you're a favorite here (you're not even that big of a dog to 2 pair). An added bonus, is that this often confuses players when you hit your draw and bet it. I don't mind the attempt at a check-raise on the turn if you think the original bettor is an aggressive type apt to bet even with a scare card falling. If they're calling stations, I'd prefer leading out. Don't sweat missing a bet here or there on your monsters, it happens, and how many times do you have to consider playing quads or straight flushes anyways?
  • ScoobyD wrote:
    I'm easily tempted to 3 bet that flop (if only for value). Against anything but trips or 2 pair, you're a favorite here (you're not even that big of a dog to 2 pair). An added bonus, is that this often confuses players when you hit your draw and bet it. I don't mind the attempt at a check-raise on the turn if you think the original bettor is an aggressive type apt to bet even with a scare card falling. If they're calling stations, I'd prefer leading out. Don't sweat missing a bet here or there on your monsters, it happens, and how many times do you have to consider playing quads or straight flushes anyways?

    I agree with betting the flop, pumps the pot and more than likely gets you a cheaper river card
  • i would have bet the turn
    a check raise has the same value as betting on the turn
    you bet he calls same on the river
    if you check raise he calls the raise and folds on the river knowing you made your flush or straight true he might(probably)a crying call on the river

    if you bet the turn like you did on the flop he now thinks your betting the same thing you bet on the flop making it harder for him to put you on a flush,now he might raise leaving the door open for the ever popular re raise.

    I think your check on the turn had check raise writtten all over it.
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