quick help needed with chip breakdown...

Hey about to order a small tournament/SnG set to add onto my huron poker cash set but need to see what you guys think is a great breakdown.

300 chips for 8-10 people. 50 chips for rebuys and what not.

denom's I have to work with are T100, T500, T1000 and T5000

basically 30 chips a person. blinds 100-200, 200-400, 300-600... etc or 100-200, 400-800 , 1000-2000 for quicker games?

(I have 420 cash game set coming, 20 'show em' chips and 10 bounty chips - so that leaves me with 350 chips to finish off a 800 count birdcage, thats why its a 350 count set I need now)



  • Can we assume that your avatar is from the chip set that you were seeking opinions on? If so . . . WHERE ARE THE FRIGGIN' PIX?!?
  • got the breakdown figured out.... yes my new avatar is from the set I was asking about breakdowns

    They are just PGI 8V's. Nothing too special. Got 500 of them for tournament play.
    I will be changing it soon when my ASM real inlay chips for cash game come in :)

    that avatar is just from a computer mock up. I will be getting them in about a week and a bit. will be posting them then when I start a consolidated Huron Poker thread with my new table, chips and poker room
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