higher limits opposed to lower limits

ive usually only played low limits like .50/1.00, .25/.50, or small NL and PL limit games as well as $5 sng's.

Ive been watching higher limits for a while now..(2/4 and up) just to see what the swings were like and the gameplay in general. From my observations playing low limit watching higher limits and playing some 2/4 and 6/12 at the casino in the past, i decided I should try it out and see what happens.

I bought in for 100 at party the other day and have made 100$ every day since at the 2/4 limit tables and found that if i was going to try and make any sort of money, it sure wasnt going to be at the .25/.50 tables plus I found these tables to be much more entertaining. Well now that ive come here, im happy so far but am not sure about taking the jump to 3/6 or even should I dare say it 5/10!! or even higher! But Im happy things are working out. Has anyone else done the same sort of thing...and moved up even higher? (except for that one story about the 40K, which is a great story nevertheless!!) :)


  • In my blog i have been trying to build a bankroll.....im playing some pretty good poker right now, atleast i think i am.

    My start was $50 US on party poker on Jan 13 2005

    Current Stats from that original $50US:
    Offline Bankroll: $655 (Cdn)
    Online Bankroll: $640 (US)

    Im bonus whoring around....starting to play 2-4 limit online (for $ reasons), usually 1-2 limit if im clearing a bonus.... and at river rock, i've moevd from 2-4 to 4-8 as i find the level of play to be better (not a ton) but somewhat and i've had two winning sessions so far at 4-8 at river rock. Slowly and surely im slowly going up the ladder :)
  • Word of advise from a guy who doesn't know where the breaks are ... go slow

    it's easy to play a rush all the way up the limits, but taking it slow is the better approach. master 2/4 and then for a while occasionally step it upto 3/6, but play mostly 2/4 ... then progress to strictly 3/6 and so on. taking more of a semi-step appraoch will make sure you feel comfortable with the levels, and also adjust a bit to the different blind structures. ie... not defending your sb as much at 3/6 for example
  • good call, i will definately do that....i played those limits for too long and feel this is the right step, my confidence and play are both much better than a year ago, so ill take the 2/4 slow for sure
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