BTP scoop totals.....

Just putting everyone in one thread.....need a couple days for deposits to clear to ship cash. I know some of you have said keep it for wsop or whatever. Just write it here and tell me what you want me to do with your share. If you say nothing ill assume you will want P*.

Hobbes- $68.47 + $54.08= $122.55 ($90 for wsop, 32.55 stars) PAID
Mike G- $68.47 + $72.10= $140.57 PAID
SteveK- $68.47 + $36.05= $104.52 (stars) PAID
Ash- $273.86 + $72.10= $345.96 PAID
T8- $136.93 + $36.05= $172.98 ($93.18 from bap. $79.80 to stars) paid
jon- $68.47 + $36.05= $104.52 (wsop + $14.52 on stars) PAID
Pinhead- $68.47 PAID
wolf- $136.93 + $36.05= $172.98 (stars) PAID
Hellmuths mole- $18.03
Greg- $36.05 PAID
gta- $ 36.05 PAID
milo- $18.03 PAID
shar- $36.05
jofay- $108.15 PAID
wes- $36.05


  • Stars is good for me

    K.O. Kerr on stars
  • I want you to keep $90 for your WSOP but wonder why our numbers are different?
    It looks like you might have forgot the the mark up for the unused buy-ins, that seems to be what makes up difference. (you do have a degree in marketing or something right ;P )

    You did math but:

    BAP 1 $3604.81= $36.04 for my 1%

    BAP 2 $7522.38= $37.61 for .5%

    $6100 unused -825 (Friday) -109 ME low =
    $5126 x1.2 refund=$6151.2 x .5% = $30.75

    Total= $104.40 - $90 for my .2 of WSOP BAP.

    $14.40 left over.

    Jontm on Stars.
  • Still need to check the math

    Hold $90 for WSOP (had to drop my reserve a bit) and ship the rest to Hobbes614 on PS
    Hobbes wrote: »
    After the bloodbath that was SCOOP, I need to drop my reserve to .2% ($90)
  • yeah fixing math now did something wrong haha.
  • lol no i did the MU, forgot to add the 109 cash and minus the 109 buying
  • Wolffhound on P* no rush.
  • Antman013 on Stars. No rush, either . . . I am probablt just going to BAP it again anyway.
  • I'm good with Stars (BAshfield11), also no rush
  • Everyone that said something up to this point has now been paid
  • Rec'd with thanks.
  • Got it, thanks
  • Received thanks

    well played, good luck in vegas and see you there
  • Got it. GL at the WSOP.
  • costanza wrote: »

    ?? lol

    how would you like it sir
  • ?? lol

    how would you like it sir

    lol just messin with ya hahahaha

    stars is cool whenever u are able too haha >:D
  • sent already
  • ty mr tripp

  • Hold $93.18 from my bap, ship the rest to T8yourmoney whenever
  • Recieved and Ty!
  • Ok thanks for the BAP BTP! gl at wsop!
  • ship it to my P* crazykoby
  • Hey BTP....

    I would like to boost team moral for the upcomming WSOP events by providing as many rungood subs as my payout will allow! You must however reserve one for the ME. If anyone can, you would find the winning combination to unlock the power of the ultimate rungood subway sub ;)

  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Hey BTP....

    I would like to boost team moral for the upcomming WSOP events by providing as many rungood subs as my payout will allow! You must however reserve one for the ME. If anyone can, you would find the winning combination to unlock the power of the ultimate rungood subway sub ;)


    Lol not necessary shar. give me your P* name and ill ship to you, Im sure ill still eat subway :P
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    ship it to my P* crazykoby

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