QQ- What would you have done?

OK so I was playing the NL game @ River rock in Vancouver. Blinds were 3/6 and the table min/max were 100/500.

I forget where the button was but I got QQ. Possibly I was in seat. So seat 4 raised to 20, there were some calls then i raised to 50. seat 4 then pushed all in and it was 175 to me to call. there was already about 150 in the pot not including his 175. Pot odds were 3:1 but I was thinking Q's not that bad of a hand.

I sat and thought about it, didnt think he had high pair, maybe 10's or jacks. anyway flop came J43 off suit. then A, then K . he had AK.

Now reflecting back, should he have called the reraise or push all in preflop?

Should I have just called the 20 then pushed all in. Would he have called 200 with the ugly flop and a draw?

How should I have played this?



  • Why didnt you think he had a higher pair? just curious

    If i were him, I wouldve likely played it the same way, but i'm not the greatest NL player.
    If he just calls your raise and misses the flop, hes in a BAD position. With the push, he stands to take down your $50 uncontested, and if you call, it is likely a coinflip or has you dominated.
    Obviously if you hold AK, you are much less worried about AA or KK being in the opponents hand.

    As for you, i like the re-raise is you knew he was on overs, or hopefully AQ. Another way to go is call the 20 and push on flop with no Ace or king. Howveer, I cant fault your play - with QQ, if i can get all my chips in preflop, i likely will....
    i can probably count on one hand how many times i've gotten away from QQ preflop
  • Haven't read post.... haven't read answers (yet)
    OK so I was playing the NL game @ River rock in Vancouver. Blinds were 3/6 and the table min/max were 100/500.

    I forget where the button was but I got QQ. Possibly I was in seat. So seat 4 raised to 20, there were some calls then i raised to 50. seat 4 then pushed all in and it was 175 to me to call. there was already about 150 in the pot not including his 175. Pot odds were 3:1 but I was thinking Q's not that bad of a hand.
    It's not clear to me whether or not the original limpers are still in? Original raise (pot 29) "some calls" (pot 89) I raise to 50 (pot 139) seat 4 makes is 225 to go (pot 314) ... Now, did the original limpers call? Even if one calls that makes the pot 519 and you must call 175 so I am not sure where the 3:1 comes in. It looks to me like you were calling 175 into 315 for not quite 2:1.
    I sat and thought about it, didnt think he had high pair, maybe 10's or jacks. anyway flop came J43 off suit. then A, then K . he had AK.

    Now reflecting back, should he have called the reraise or push all in preflop?
    I like his re-raise. He offers you 2:1. There is, I think, a pretty good chance that you made it 50 with a hand that will now fold (good for him) and there is a good chance that you have a hand that he is a coin flip with (QQ or lower pair). He doesn't like KK and he REALLY hates AA, but you only live once.

    If he is a very conservative player, I think calling and then check-folding is also OK. It depends a lot on what he thinks of you.
    Should I have just called the 20 then pushed all in. Would he have called 200 with the ugly flop and a draw?
    You got it all in with the best of it. You did not play the hand badly.

    I do not like simply calling pre-flop since there were "some callers." I don't want to play QQ into a big field. I also think your pre-flop raise was too small. You offered a 30 call to a string of flat callers. If the AK did not re-raise then they would have ALL called the 30. Not what your QQ wants.
    How should I have played this?
    I would have re-raised more pre-flop and called his re-re-raise. So... same result.

    How does AK make a lot of money from QQ? Get it in pre-flop before the QQ has seen a K or an A on board.
  • ok the odds were more like 2:1, i was mistaken. the original raise of 20, i think there were about 4 callers making the pot 109, then my reraise of 50. this would make it 159, plus the reraise of 175 making it just about 2:1

    i think if i had reraised more like 100 he still would have gone all in. thus same result. i think he had too much faith in AK. in hind sight, i wish i had just called and then bet all in after the flop thus making him have to think about the draw.

    Ya, QQ are such questionable winners... sometimes they do sometimes they dont, more like 50/50. KK on the hand, i find they win more like 75/25.
  • hind sight, i wish i had just called and then bet all in after the flop thus making him have to think about the draw.

    The problem with this play is that you might have, instead, been making a post that was about how one of the four callers got in cheap with 7-6s and chopped up your Q-Q. Calling isn't a bad play, but it has some big dangers associatted with it.
  • true... hehe
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