Pokerrom SNG

Hello All,

I remember a post a while back asking about SNG's, something to the tune of what's a good in-the-money percentage on a regular basis...

In the last few days, I've sat in on 20 pokerroom $5 SNG's and had some success with 10 wins, 1 second, 3 thirds and 6 busts. In the money about 70% of this short stretch. I'm still in stack building mode, so I'm not comfortable enough to venture past any $10 games.
And don't plan to for quite a while.

I guess I'm wondering of there are any rules of thumb for stack size vs. buy-in for SNG's
based on XX% win rate?

Also, wondering if anyone can educate me on how much better the games/players are as you move up the buy-in general or at pokerroom (only site I've ever deposited on up to now)

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