Where would you recommend playing 5/10 or 10/20

I've played at a lot of sites but i've decided that i want to be a little less hit and run with my play on sites.

While i appreciate that lots of people would prefer 4 tabling it and pounding it out at 2/4 or 3/6 and acheive a similar level of play ... that's just not me. I find i'm playing a style that i simply don't enjoy, and while i want poker to be profitable i play for the enjoyment and more so for the challenge.

So based on people's experience what sites have people had good experiences with, at 5/10 and 10/20.

I'll be honest i'm not the type of player who want's to play in a rock garden with player to the flop numbers in the 20s and is trying to grind out small edges. I prefer games with lots of players, if they're agressive that's fine with me. I'll get 'bad beat' to death and i'll live with it.

I want games where properly executed drawing hands get paid of ... usually by a calling station or better yet a person who fancies them as being tight agressive and is betting the hell out of there single over pair. I want live players, even if their good players, but i want to see some action.

I'll thank everyone in advance for their advise.


  • Party or Pacific.
  • Party.
    ...i've decided that i want to be a little less hit and run with my play on sites.

    Why? This is one of the great advantages of playing online--- the freedom to quickly move between various sites that have the characterisics you like best (loose players, the games/limits you want, good bonus deals, reliability/trustworthiness of the site, or whatever).

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