Tourney Hand for Discussion

$5 MTT on Pokerroom – 321 Entries

45 players remain top 20 pay

I have 75K 2nd in chips and am dealt JJ UTG, blinds are at 1k/2k, I raise to 7000, chip leader 95K two to my left calls, folded to the BB who goes all in for about 10K more to me. I feel I have both of them beat and know that the chip leader would of reraised if he had a hand that could beat me based on previous hands I have seen him play. Although I give him credit for the ability to re raise me all in if he sensed weaknesses by me calling and thought he could push me off the hand to have the BB all to himself. So what to do? After some thought I decided to play it aggressively and raised all in. The chip leader mucked and the BB turns up A8 off. The flop comes down A85 giving him two pair and then the miracle J on the turn and J on the river to give me quads and the chip lead. Now obviously the result was in my favour but do you think the play was too reckless and I should have played it differently? The chip leader told me that be mucked AJ so my read was right on him. It all worked out and I ended up winning the tourney having an intense heads up battle with the chip leader in this hand.

Your thoughts are appreciated.


  • How could you have had quad Js if he mucked a J?

    Very risky play IMO. You have to be very careful with the chip leader still in the hand.

    JJ is a good hand heads-up. Not so good 3-way. If you hadn't gone all in and were bet into on the flop, I'm guessing you would have folded. From that perspective, going all-in is a nice move - it takes away a tougher decision later.

  • The chip leader told me that be mucked AJ so my read was right on him.

    You hit quad Jacks. Sounds like a broken deck...LoL.

    Anyway, I like the way you played it. Based on your read of the chip leader I wouldn't want to run the risk of being pushed off by a weaker hand.

    I think you made the right play and ended up with very nice results. Congrats on the win.
  • sorry, mistake chip leader said he had AQ
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