First Tournament Win

Hey guys I know I got some grief about the way I played a certain hand lol... so I decided to get my act together and win my first tournament.

Dolphin $15 buy-in Limit Hold'Em Event on Paradise 4:00 AM
99 Players

Game #721194812 - Tournament Dolphin - 4,000/8,000 Texas Hold'em -
2005/02/14-05:28:18.6 (CST)
Table "Dolphin 6" (MTT) -- Seat 6 is the button
Seat 6: gidders (142,472 in chips)
Seat 7: onthebeach78 (6,028 in chips)
onthebeach78: Ante (200)
gidders : Ante (200)
gidders : Post Small Blind (2,000)
onthebeach78: Post Big Blind (4,000)
Dealt to gidders [ 8d ]
Dealt to gidders [ 2c ]
gidders : Call (2,000)
onthebeach78: Bet All-in (1,828)
gidders : Call (1,828)
*** FLOP *** : [ Jd 3d 3c ]
*** TURN *** : [ Jd 3d 3c ] [ Jh ]
*** RIVER *** : [ Jd 3d 3c Jh ] [ 8c ]
gidders said, "gg"
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 12,056 | Board: [ Jd 3d 3c Jh 8c ]
gidders bet 6,028, collected 12,056, net +6,028 (showed hand) [ 8d 2c ] (two
pair, jacks and eights)
onthebeach78 lost 6,028 (showed hand) [ 6s 4d ] (two pair, jacks and threes)

2c8d.... I'll never fold you again... lol

Not bad for an 18 year old. :)


  • Game #721179328 - Tournament Dolphin - 600/1,200 Texas Hold'em -
    2005/02/14-04:31:54.5 (CST)
    Table "Dolphin 6" (MTT) -- Seat 2 is the button
    Seat 2: mamichans (9,375 in chips)
    Seat 3: pete 128 (6,820 in chips)
    Seat 4: mikechr23 (7,401 in chips)
    Seat 5: shawn_911 (12,695 in chips)
    Seat 6: gidders (10,075 in chips)
    Seat 7: Burbank312 (610 in chips)
    Seat 8: klootzak00 (16,084 in chips)
    Seat 9: GEEONE (4,605 in chips)
    Seat 10: rabber (9,232 in chips)
    pete 128: Ante (50)
    mikechr23: Ante (50)
    shawn_911: Ante (50)
    gidders : Ante (50)
    Burbank312: Ante (50)
    klootzak00: Ante (50)
    GEEONE : Ante (50)
    rabber : Ante (50)
    mamichans: Ante (50)
    pete 128: Post Small Blind (300)
    mikechr23: Post Big Blind (600)
    Dealt to gidders [ 8c ]
    Dealt to gidders [ 8d ]
    shawn_911: Raise (1,200)
    gidders : Raise (1,800)
    Burbank312: Fold
    klootzak00: Fold
    GEEONE : Fold
    rabber : Fold
    mamichans: Fold
    pete 128: Fold
    mikechr23: Fold
    shawn_911: Call (600)
    *** FLOP *** : [ 9s 5c 5d ]
    shawn_911: Check
    gidders : Bet (600)
    shawn_911: Call (600)
    *** TURN *** : [ 9s 5c 5d ] [ 3h ]
    shawn_911: Bet (1,200)
    gidders : Raise (2,400)
    shawn_911: Call (1,200)
    *** RIVER *** : [ 9s 5c 5d 3h ] [ 8s ]
    shawn_911: Check
    gidders : Bet (1,200)
    shawn_911: Raise (2,400)
    gidders : Raise (2,400)
    shawn_911: Fold
    gidders : Winner -- doesn't show cards
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Pot: 15,750 | Board: [ 9s 5c 5d 3h 8s ]
    mamichans lost 50 (folded)
    pete 128 lost 350 (folded)
    mikechr23 lost 650 (folded)
    shawn_911 lost 7,250 (folded)
    gidders bet 8,450, collected 16,950, net +8,500 [ 8c 8d ] (a full house,
    eights full of fives)
    Burbank312 lost 50 (folded)
    klootzak00 lost 50 (folded)
    GEEONE lost 50 (folded)
    rabber lost 50 (folded)

    I wanted to post this hand as it was huge for me and it boosted me into 2nd and I want to share my thoughts on it later... what do you guys think about this hand?? Did I just get lucky or what? I know it seems like an easy pot at the river, but the pauses between bets is what made everything possible. Please post and I will share MY point of view about this particular, right or wrong, smart or dumb. :)
  • I like the way you played it, but only if you were prepared to fold to a villian 3-bet on the turn. Most UTG plays late in a tourament are going to be large pocket pairs or AJs+. If he's willing to 3 bet the turn, you are likely drawing to two outs..

    The bet on the turn by the villian is bizarre.. Why call the flop to lead out on the turn? Did the rainbow 3 really help is hand that much? Seems like if he really did have a hand, he would have check raised you there.. Those weird lead out bets always need to be considered in context of what box you put the guy in.. Passive/Agressive/etc.. I find when most passives hit their hands, they can't wait to bet at you and land up revealing strength too early..

    Don't even get me started on villians check raise fold to 3 river, thats just terrible. If hes got a hand that cant stand a raise, he should be calling and if he can't call then he should be folding cuz theres no way you are going to fold on the river to 1 bet after 3 betting the turn..

    Looks to me like you caught him with unimproved overcards, which he severly overplayed.
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