KQ and flop is K77

MTT blinds 20/40 avg stack 1800 your stack 8800

so you're in the BB with KQs...you raise it 4x BB PF...get 2 callers ( CO and SB )
and the flop comes K77
you raise it 4x BB again and get 2 callers
and on the turn comes a Q

what to do next?


  • how big are CO and SB stacks?
  • Gord wrote:
    how big are CO and SB stacks?
    This is all that matters in the senario.

    Best case, they have A/K, and you're ahead.
    Next best is K/7 (yes they're ahead) but with that Q you just got yourself another 2 outs if you're behind and still wanting to continue.

    As long as they don't have large stacks, I'd push if they're chip count is lower then 1.5k
  • Gord wrote:
    how big are CO and SB stacks?
    CO is 1300
    SB is 3600
  • CO is 1300
    SB is 3600
    What was the result, I'm guessing one may have A/K, or A/Q .. K/7 would suck, but this is online.
  • Psi wrote:
    What was the result, I'm guessing one may have A/K, or A/Q .. K/7 would suck, but this is online.
    SB had Q7 38786-6.gif38786-6.gif38786-6.gif
  • Was the board 2-suited? With 2 callers maybe one has another king but what could the other guy have? Maybe a pocket pair hes not ready togive up on yet or something. I'd think I'm probably getting trapped. That being said it'd be really hard to get away from top 2 pair anwyays but I'd probably slow down on the turn. A free card is very unlikely to hurt me so I might go into check call mode, and then make a smallish bet on the river if the turn is checked around. If it came down to it though I'd probably call an all-in unless I had some kind of read on the players to know I should get away, but that's probably unlikely that early in a tournament.
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