2nd in 20$ on Full Tilt

20 +2
63 players
Finished 2nd net profit 242$

fun little tourny..
every table from start to final was awesome and fun
even bad beats got laughed at it was wierd.. lol

I played good great reads , smart bets very few mistakes...

I got aggressive late in FT with 4 left I was Chip lead for most of tourny and had over double of 2nd at one point..

aggression got me in the end lost 2 coin flips and ended up HU with a 1:2 chip stack
went on a few hands at 500/1000 I had 27 k leader 65k
dealt KQo in BB and he opened for 5k
I pushed expecting a fold
called with TT
and took it down

oh well I'm happy
2 for 2 this week


  • congrats ... never tried a tourny on full tilt before how is the blind structure ... nice and slow?
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