Gutsy or Moronic? #2

Gutsy or Moronic?

25th hand in a MTT tourney. blinds 15/30. UTG raises to 150. UTG+1 calls. MP calls. MP+1 goes All In. SB and BB folds. UTG calls the All In. the rest folds.

MP+1: 88
UTG: Ks7c

flop: xKx
turn: 8
river: x

another dumb and dumber :tongue: somebody please shoot them :biggrin: :tongue:


  • is UTG the same as the last posted moronic hand ... cause if he is then i love anyone trying to get all-in against him with any pair
  • Chugs wrote:
    is UTG the same as the last posted moronic hand ... cause if he is then i love anyone trying to get all-in against him with any pair's another moron :eek: :D:D
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