Gutsy or Moronic?

Gutsy or Moronic?

1st hand in a MTT tourney. blinds 10/20. UTG raises to 80. UTG+1 calls. MP calls. Button goes All In. SB and BB folds. UTG calls the All In. the rest folds.

Button: QQ
UTG: As4s

flop: xAx
turn: x
river: x

dumb and dumber :tongue: what ya think? :biggrin:
both of these guys should be shot i think ROFLMAO :wink:


  • I've seen worse. I actually don't mind the play of the Queens, likely thought he could take it down pre-flop. Didn't have the confidence to fold it post flop if an ace fell. The A4s call is not a good one in the first hand of a mtt.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I've seen worse. I actually don't mind the play of the Queens, likely thought he could take it down pre-flop. Didn't have the confidence to fold it post flop if an ace fell. The A4s call is not a good one in the first hand of a mtt.

    if i was the button, i think i would've just made it 320 more
    but not my whole stack :confused:
  • If you want us to make fun of them, atleast tell us their chip stack sizes.. If UTG only had 80 chips left, it's a good play.
  • Depends on the player. I know for some ppl, they either want to get a stack early or bust out.
  • Fundamental Online Tournament Rule #287

    People LOOOOOOOVE suited aces. They caress them, they take them out for dinner and a movie, and then they make sweet, sweet love to them. I see people staking the lives of their children on AXs all the time. They just can't get away from them.

    Here is the internal dialogue of someone with a suited ace, one away from the money in a huge tournament:

    "Oooh, baby. Look at this -- A7 of hearts. I could get the best possible flush with this hand. I just need three more hearts on the board. I'm going to limp in with this hand."

    Someone raises 5XBB in front of him preflop.

    "Hmm, he must have a good hand. But I have a good hand too -- I have a flush draw. The best flush draw. I can't be beat if I hit that flush."

    He calls, but someone behind him reraises all-in (20XBB).

    "Wow. Maybe he has pocket kings or aces. But I've still got him covered. Besides, pocket aces still don't beat an ace high flush."

    First raiser goes all-in over top of the first all-in (putting our hero all-in).

    "These guys don't even know what's going to hit them when I make my flush. They're basically drawing dead at this point."

    He calls all-in and is up against AA and AK. He hits his flush of course and wins a huge pot.

    Next time he gets a suited ace he reminisces about that huge pot he took down and he plays it like it's the balls -- because it's sooooooooooooooted. And nothing beats a suited ace....nothing.

  • BBC Z wrote:
    If you want us to make fun of them, atleast tell us their chip stack sizes.. If UTG only had 80 chips left, it's a good play.

    they were all even, it was the first hand

    i don't think it was a horrible play with QQ but the a4 call is absurd.... unless this is a freeroll with tonnes of people where you want to build fast or bust
  • Fundamental Online Tournament Rule #287

    You've just completely stated why I completely HATE pocket Ks.
    One would assume the 2nd best starting hand in poker would hold up often ... WRONG, I swear, I lose easily 80% of the time with the hand (maybe I don't play it perfectly, but I'm sure I play it right).
    4x BB to start, if no A hits the board, pot, or more depending on flush draws etc.
    A on the turn, obviously a check as you know some retard has just sat in with A/3 clubs (with of course no clubs on the board) ...
    Blah, just venting I guess.

    And the typical "That's Poker" just drives me nuttin in those cases.
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