
I usually just limp UTG or in MP with these hand and sometimes raise 2.5XBB when folded to in LP or with one or two limpers before me. I have no idea how to play these hands because to me, if I miss the flop (not hitting my set) I'm dumpin 'em.

Your thoughts. (HEY!! HARRY KERRY HERE)


  • are we talking about NL or what?:confused:
  • are we talking about NL or what?:confused:

    If he found a way to raise more than 1 SB preflop in Limit, we've got a problem.

    Treat them like suited connectors. Get in cheap, Flop a set or no bet.
  • gidders wrote:
    I usually just limp UTG or in MP with these hand and sometimes raise 2.5XBB when folded to in LP or with one or two limpers before me. I have no idea how to play these hands because to me, if I miss the flop (not hitting my set) I'm dumpin 'em.

    Your thoughts. (HEY!! HARRY KERRY HERE)

    when you figure it out let me know
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Treat them like suited connectors. Get in cheap, Flop a set or no bet.

    I agree with BBCZ here.

    However sometimes in limit, I like to play them against players who I know to be very tight (VTP's). For instance with 66 and a flop of 259 against a player who I know only plays top 10 hands. Since with no Paint on the board I am almost certain to have the best hand at that point. However if the VTP raises your initial post flop bet you can almost always be certain he has a higher pocket pair, and get off the hand easily.
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