Ace Queen

I think this hand deserves a thread. How strong is it?? Am I allowed to fold it preflop and still feel good about myself when my opponent is forced to show his A9o to an all in'er??? Should I feel bad about laying down this hand???

I'm on the button with AQo in level 4 of a Paradise mini

Raised 4xBB UTG

MP - call
MP2 -call
LP - call
B - ????

What the f is going on here, four guys call 4xBB before action gets to me??

I folded and A9s takes the hand down. Should I have been more aggressive and reraised? Take a flop? Hand pissed me off because I was just clueless.

Share your thoughts.


  • AQ i find is a really delicate hand to play ... now against people playing A-rag it's a monster but calling a raise against a person with decent raising standards high pairs, AK ... you can get in lots of trouble with AQ, it's hard to know when you're good. Still i like it alot more than KQ, which is a hand i find can get you into so much trouble, it's not funny.
  • level much is that? i don't play at paradise :confused:
  • i will only play AQ for no raise or one small raise for a call in late position and the button. anywhere else i'd fold it
  • Without knowing anything about the other three callers, or the raising habits of the original raiser, I'd say lay it down. There are a lot of cards that you wouldn't want to see turned over against you...AA, KK, QQ, AK, high pairs, or even AQs. With that many people calling a 4x raise, someone's bound to be slow-playing one of these.
    Live another day.

    (I see that A9s took the pot; I'm just demonstrating my thinking before the flop)
  • by the way were u soooted? Id say online that way to many ppl play ace rag and bet it huge. Also online i hardly ever see any one simply call a raise with any pocket pair over jj's. Id prob call and hope to hit my ace and see how everybody bets. ( this is if i were sooted) Amd of course u are late position soo...
  • sootedness is a call
    offsuit throw that sucka away
  • I find AQ to be a devil hand (much like JJ). It is a hand I love to play, (after all is it almost AK).

    I will always raise with and and pretty much call a re-raise with it, however if I am in a situation where there is another re-raise after the first, I generally will fold it, especially in early position.

    When I see the flop and hit the Ace I then will bet very aggressively (I almost never slow play AQ after the flop).

    The funny thing about AQ is I am am almost always hoping for a Queen on the flop over an Ace most of the time. I find the thing about flopping the Q with rags, is that you are almost guaranteed to have the best hand at that point (only fearing the dreaded AA, KK). A pair of Queens with an Ace kicker is a fantastic hand.

    Ideally you want to play AQ against players who play Ace-Rag (un/sooted), or player who are type who love to raise and call with KQ, QJ from early position. i find this is the real power of AQ.

    However just like AK it is important that if AQ misses the flop you folded it, after all without a favourable flop all you have is Ace high.
  • In the face of certain raisers i won't even consider calling out of the SB partially invested with AQ ... because i know they're starting hand requirements and i can find 100s of better spots, but as always it depends on the player.
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