53rd in Super Monday!!

Hi all:

1st cash in a month.. been a long dry spell..

played 2 22$ sng's last week and won a spot into any super and at last minute decided to to play last night..

875 Players
131,000 $ prize pool
Finished 53rd for 414$ profit.

Here's the hands I wrote down last night.. I've been getting in the habit of writing down tourny hands and commenting to try and work on mistakes..

78s L
K3s L - BB in free bluffed at the pot folded to re raise left with T$380
A3o W
AKo W picked up blinds
44 W
T4o L BB 10/20 blinds called an all in for 30 more :o)
A8s W
K4s W
97s W
67o L BB free flop
75o L Got 9:1 odds to call from sb
A8s L
QJo L 25/50 blinds now I opened for 200 and folded to an all in raise or 1k more
57s L
A9s W BB called a 235$ raise/all in at 50/100blinds guy had A6o
KTs W Blinds

Thats first 20 hands I played.. Best hand was the QQ,then 44
Believe I folded 55 twice and rest was junk...
very bad start to an expensive tourny..

QTs W pushed in late position bb had AKo and I flopped a Q LUCKY!!!
ATo L late pos I raised to 1800 in 300/600 blinds got re raised all in and folded
K3s W very short now blinds about to hit.. desperation push AK calls and I spike a 3 YAY me!

In the money now and people dropping fast. believe I had around 53 or 5400 at this point and largest stack was 47k avg around 9k. I missed a couple hands here forget exactly but know I made 1 1800 raise FTA and had BB push with an big stack.. folded to around 3600..

I basically sat and folded tell my first playable and got QT hearts in MP and pushed all in for 3900T$ in 500/1000 blinds... I could have maybe milked a little more out of my win but I have made final tables with smaller stacks in this position and a double here might turn things around.. Fold there and blinds hit me for 1500 in 3 hands and I'm out in 10 more anyways. Anyhoooo folded around the BB and yes he had AK again.. ran into it alot last night :(

$459 and change for 44$ invested not a bad evening..


  • Congrats on the nice finish!!! Keep on plugging away.
  • congrats. Nice work.
  • Nice job. Interesting that you decided to play at the last minute, and then did well. That happens to me quite often as well... I do better at tournaments I decide to play in on the spur of the moment than I do in the ones I think about for hours or days or weeks beforehand.

    Not always, of course, but often enough to be noteworthy.

    Again, congrats on your finish.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Nice job. Interesting that you decided to play at the last minute, and then did well. That happens to me quite often as well... I do better at tournaments I decide to play in on the spur of the moment than I do in the ones I think about for hours or days or weeks beforehand.

    Not always, of course, but often enough to be noteworthy.

    Again, congrats on your finish.

    Yes, same with me, I do much better on the last minute entries. Did well on Azim's weekly this way. Got in the car 25 min before it started and placed nicely.

    So with this i am not planning on playing at the GBH in tomorrows tournament, or am I. I will decide in the morning.(I have had the entry for months now but I can continue the illusion).

    Rob M.
  • Thx Guys

    Was one of the wierdest tournies I've ever been in...
    getting moved so many times from table to table and missing blinds on 3 or 4 rounds with crap cards all day and then getting enough odd wins to limp into money and actually turn a decent profit was wierd hehe..
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