When to walk away?

Finding a Table with bad players on it is supposed to be a good thing. But what about when most of the table seems to be bad and you just cant' win?? I've been just getting killed on 2/4 at pacific and i say to myself, "just stick with it" they are getting lucky suckouts and playing craxy, keep playing tight and you'll eventually win. But if you constantly have 6 people calling the preflop raise adn then them all seeing the turn.....it is hard to win. My question is can you still win in this situation or should you just walk away?? I try finding less wild tables on Pacific but they all seem to be the same.
I am a winning poker player and go through ups and downs of course, but i've never seen play this wild and lost like this!!

So what do you do in this situation? Just leave? But I am stubborn and know I should beat these guys, so I want to staty and keep playing. But maybe I can never make money when my hands will almost certainly get busted with 6 or more players in the pot.

Your thoughts would be appreciated...


  • OS Kid wrote:
    Finding a Table with bad players on it is supposed to be a good thing. But what about when most of the table seems to be bad and you just cant' win?? I've been just getting killed on 2/4 at pacific and i say to myself, "just stick with it" they are getting lucky suckouts and playing craxy, keep playing tight and you'll eventually win. But if you constantly have 6 people calling the preflop raise adn then them all seeing the turn.....it is hard to win. My question is can you still win in this situation or should you just walk away?? I try finding less wild tables on Pacific but they all seem to be the same.
    I am a winning poker player and go through ups and downs of course, but i've never seen play this wild and lost like this!!

    So what do you do in this situation? Just leave? But I am stubborn and know I should beat these guys, so I want to staty and keep playing. But maybe I can never make money when my hands will almost certainly get busted with 6 or more players in the pot.

    Your thoughts would be appreciated...
    yep it's pretty bad...they pretty much cap everything PF...so much that i'm restricted to only playing a few hands...and very very tight...if i win a few hands...a few orbits...i'm outta there...:redface: the 0.50/1.00 and 1.00/2.00 is even more crazy :eek:
  • All you can do is wait for good cards and bet "the bejesus" out of them. If you get sucked out on then just wait for good cards and bet "the bejesus" out of them again. Rinse, lather repeat. Your 2/4 game sounds a lot like .50/1.00 at Partypoker.
    Bring all your hands into pokertracker and replay the ones you got beat on. Look for leaks. I couldn't figure out why I was a -1.5BB\100 with such poor competition. Once I brough it into PT I realized blind play was killing me. It slapped me in the face it was so obvious. I have been winning fairly consistently since I tightened up my blind play. Maybe you have some kind of leak that is not apparent to you but is causing you to waste chips when you're beat. I know I have more leaks I need to plug but that one was more like a big hole in the boat.
    Also, I like players that are passive pre-flop with lots of calling. (you know those players with VP$IP over 50 and 0% Pre flop raising). I love those people. You get to see flops for cheap when you have drawing hands and get to punish the limpers with a raise when you have strong starting hands. I just don't do very well at tables that charge me 4 small bets every hand to see a flop. I know its because of my own limitations, but that's how it is for me.
  • Pacific can be frustrating. It's by far the loosest site around. I would say tighten up even more than usual. Play only premium hole cards, and dump them if the Flop doesn't hit you.
    I hate playing maniacs. It puts me off my game, so what I do is look for tables with a high percentage of people seeing the flop, but smaller average pot size. I find these tables more loose passive than loose aggressive. That's more profitable for me.

    Good luck...
  • Paul3221 wrote:
    Pacific can be frustrating. It's by far the loosest site around. I would say tighten up even more than usual. Play only premium hole cards, and dump them if the Flop doesn't hit you.
    I hate playing maniacs. It puts me off my game, so what I do is look for tables with a high percentage of people seeing the flop, but smaller average pot size. I find these tables more loose passive than loose aggressive. That's more profitable for me.

    Good luck...
    sounds like a plan :)

    btw...looks like they added some WSOP satellites and qualifiers :)
  • So what do you do in this situation? Just leave? But I am stubborn and know I should beat these guys, so I want to staty and keep playing. But maybe I can never make money when my hands will almost certainly get busted with 6 or more players in the pot.

    Having never seen you play or any hands, take this as a blind guess...
    Allow me to put on my pot odds hat again.

    I'll guess you are overvaluing smaller pocket pairs (ie JJ & QQ and even KK) when the flop comes with a multi-way draw and you only hold an overpair.

    I'll also guess you are playing too tight by folding any pocket pair preflop. The looseness of your opponents will make it correct to call these hands for raises. You are looking to gte 8 bets for every 1 bet you put in preflop. At a loose table, you'll get it. Sets are monsters.

    I'll bet you are folding hands when you have odds to draw because the action makes it look like you are beat. I'm talking about TPNK or 2nd pair.

    Make sure the biggest part of your game *IS NOT* being able to make big laydowns. Big laydowns in big pots = bad poker and will cost you bigtime in the long run.

    Also, Pacific only allows single table play, so you liekly havent played that many hands into your down swing.. negative swings can last a VERY long time, even for profitable players (I'm talking 200-300BB), and you are more likely to encounter those when you are faced with playing in big pots.

    Anyway, Look at your situations. Are they REALLY drawing out on your everytime? Are you inappropiately folding or bluffing? Play through the game history and justify your actions to yourself. Its probably the best way to figure out whats wrong.
  • I would say tighten up even more than usual. Play only premium hole cards, and dump them if the Flop doesn't hit you.

    I'm curious, do you use the play clock alarm to wake you up between hands?
  • BBC Z wrote:
    I'm curious, do you use the play clock alarm to wake you up between hands?

    I know this is sarcasm, but at the same time a valid point. To answer, I usually play one or two tables at another site if I'm playing Pacific. Alternatively, I will read a poker book between hands. It is a big flaw of the Pacific software that it allows only one table play.
  • I'll guess you are overvaluing smaller pocket pairs (ie JJ & QQ and even KK) when the flop comes with a multi-way draw and you only hold an overpair.

    This is not a problem for me...I definately know with mulit-way they arent' gold and seem to be getting rid of them at the ride times and not losing too much with them.

    I'll also guess you are playing too tight by folding any pocket pair preflop. The looseness of your opponents will make it correct to call these hands for raises. You are looking to gte 8 bets for every 1 bet you put in preflop. At a loose table, you'll get it. Sets are monsters.

    I understand this and am playing almost all PP but am rarely being paid off because the sets are being sucked out on as well.

    I'll bet you are folding hands when you have odds to draw because the action makes it look like you are beat. I'm talking about TPNK or 2nd pair.

    This is true.

    Make sure the biggest part of your game *IS NOT* being able to make big laydowns. Big laydowns in big pots = bad poker and will cost you bigtime in the long run.

    Agree totally.

    Also, Pacific only allows single table play, so you liekly havent played that many hands into your down swing.. negative swings can last a VERY long time, even for profitable players (I'm talking 200-300BB), and you are more likely to encounter those when you are faced with playing in big pots.

    Point well taken....It's just that i've never had a negative swing this bad before....but obviously it is somehting that everyone will go through.

    Anyway, Look at your situations. Are they REALLY drawing out on your everytime? Are you inappropiately folding or bluffing? Play through the game history and justify your actions to yourself. Its probably the best way to figure out whats wrong.[/QUOTE]

    And I have looked through and found the odd mistake when i'm on tilt, but really hasn't cost me a lot...I guess just a week of very bad breaks. I dont' think there is any major problems with my game because it has been working fine for a couple of years now.
    But I have never played at tables as loose as this and I guess I just need to fine tune and adjust and ride it out over the long run.
  • oops i screwed up the quoting thing there....i guess i don't know how to do it!! but those are partial BBZ quotes and my responses.
  • hmmm...i think pacific is one of the only sites i havent played on....is it worth buying into ?
    (sorry..off topic)
  • Anton81 wrote:
    hmmm...i think pacific is one of the only sites i havent played on....is it worth buying into ?
    (sorry..off topic)

    It's got some of the weakest players around, but it's also got software that can sometimes be a bit flakey, and lately, it seems to be dropping connection for some people.

    Having said that, I keep going back...;-)
  • And I have looked through and found the odd mistake when i'm on tilt, but really hasn't cost me a lot...I guess just a week of very bad breaks. I dont' think there is any major problems with my game because it has been working fine for a couple of years now.
    But I have never played at tables as loose as this and I guess I just need to fine tune and adjust and ride it out over the long run.

    Then congrats, theres nothing wrong with your game. Stay Agressive and the win rate will sort itself out.
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